Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Monday, April 19, 2010

Yummy Monday

Hi Knitters,
Good Monday morning to you. All I have to say is that every girl deserves to have some knitting fun. This is mine in Madeline Tosh in Tosh DK in the Burnished colorway. I bought my yarn here. The pattern is the Tea Leaves Cardigan.
best, susie


  1. I love that sweater pattern and your color choice is beautiful!! What color is it? I love seeing the yoke pattern up close. Am anxious to see the completed sweater modeled by the knitter. :-)

  2. Oops - just saw "Burnished" in your note. Should have known you wouldn't leave that out! :-)

  3. Beautiful colorway! I am knitting Tea Leaves in Tosh Vermillion. I have made some notes regarding the sizing on my projects page if you are interested. The sleeves are a very tight fit.

  4. I am in the process of building by blog site. Would you mind sharing some of your links with me? I would truely appreciate it.

    P.S.- Your sweater is lovely. I love the colors and I enjoyed browsing.

  5. Paula,
    Thanks for the tip I will definitely consider that as I get to the sleeves. I don't like tight clothing at all so this is good to know.

  6. Hi Contessa,
    I am not sure what you are exactly asking but yes, you can use any links on your blog that I have on my blog. That's fine by me!
    Have fun!

  7. I want to knit that cardigan one day. Don't you just love the names Madelinetosh comes up with for its yarn? I just bought some silver fox for a bridal shawl.

  8. BEAUTIFUL! I absolutely LOVE the colors in the yarn. I can't wait to see the finished sweater.

  9. Love your colour choice. I can't wait to see the finished project!

  10. Wow, that colour is gorgeous (hi, first time commenting!). Love the photo too, really captures the fabric aspect. Yum!

  11. I love that cardigan. I really want to start knitting one but I think I will have to wait till I'm done with the cedar leaf sawlette first. Since I am knitting through the itty bitty toy book on my blog every once in a while I need a brake from the toys and I knit something for myself. Thank you for sharing.

  12. Oh man, you're making it too!!!! I have got to get some of that yarn.

  13. Beautiful! Tea Leaves is in my queue too! Love that colorway!

  14. I bought the Itty Bitty Toy book in January. I have spent most of the afternoon trying to find the Astrakhan in off -white to make the little lamb. There seems to be none of that yarn,in that color, anywhere.

    Could you recommend a substitution for the Astrakhan? I really wanted to make the little lamb, he is so sweet.

  15. BSV,
    Many people have knit the lamb in lots of other yarns and posted the projects on Ravelry. I would look there. I have heard a couple of people have tried the Bernat Boucle but I have never worked in this yarn.

    Unfortunately the Debbie Bliss yarn was discontinued.

  16. Yummy indeed! I love the color -
