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Friday, March 26, 2010

Fries with your Shake?

Hi Knitters,
Whoa, was this a busy week for you, too? We had a band concert, a science fair (which we forgot about until 2 hours before it was due), doctor appointments, breakfast plans, work travels (my husband), piano and dance classes, sports practices, lunch engagements, English paper editing, poem writing, magazine project planning, a talent show and a giant book manuscript deadline... you name it, we had it. Phew.

Sometimes I don't know how we make it but we always do. I used my favorite line, "move it and shake it," on the way out the door a lot this week. I know we are not any busier than any other family with a bunch of young and active kids. That's just the way it is and honestly, I wouldn't want it any other way.

Maybe we can all take a collective deep breath today.

I took this photo from the back row of TC's talent show yesterday. She is on the right with her buddy, on the left. They danced to a medley of songs. The crowd clapped along. What I loved most about their routine is that it wasn't slick choreographed dancing. It was more like two little untrained girls up in their bedroom making up a dance together. Do you know what I mean? There was no shaking of the hips or winking at the crowd. At one point they held hands and skipped around in a circle like ring around the rosie. It was the best. Pure fun and innocence. There actually wasn't any shake to have fries with, which is a good thing.

TC and I bought the hats and clown socks at a local costume store a couple of days ago. Someone actually asked me if I made their costumes. Funny.

Okay, sweet knitters, on to the weekend. I actually have started a few new and fun project this week just to keep my sanity in check. I am serious about that. Also, I watched New Moon over 3 nights with my Peachy. That's how long it took us to squeeze in the movie in between activities. She is so funny. I had fun watching with her. What a good egg.

I did a fun 45 minute podcast interview last week with Marly of Yarn Thing fame. Click here to take a listen on your computer! Yarn Thing is also on itunes if you like to listen that way.

I think this mamacita needs a vacation:)
best, susie


  1. I know what you mean about the "shake". I was horrified (and so was my son) when I took a bunch of 8 year old boys to see the new Chipmunk movie with the girl chipmunks...omg. Way to "forward" with the hip-sways. Love that your TC is so sweet!

  2. New Moon over three days??!!

    That really show how BUSY you were!

  3. I am sure you do need a vacation! You have been busy, busy, busy. At least you are home now.

    I hope you can relax and enjoy your weekend and your family.

  4. Sometimes those moments of childhood innocence take your breath away, don't they?

  5. I would love to win a copy of this book--sounds like a fun read. And P.S. Thank you for anothert wonderful vicarious shopping experience at the wonderful knitt shop in SF.
