Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Chicago, Dayton, Chicago Again!

Hi Knitters,
Unfortunately, I have come down with a rotten bug right before I am hitting the road again for my book tour. I have lost most of my voice. It sounds terrible. I am willing it back by tomorrow morning. Regardless of my voice, I am back to it. It seems ages ago that I was on tour for Itty-Bitty Toys and at that time March 2010 seemed so far away. Now March is upon us and I am packing my bags for the last couple weeks of my book tour. It is going to be a jam-packed couple of weeks, too.

I have pulled out my book and my notes for my speaking and interviews to glance over. That may seem silly but I have already finished the projects and patterns for my next book and my brain can only hold so much information at a time. I need a refresher.

Above is my latest Namaste bag. It is a fantastic bag because it holds my laptop and my knitting and my enormous water bottle with ease. I love it.
I am picking out the yarns I will bring along so I can whip up a new Spud & Chloƫ project while I am on the go. On a few of my other book trips I knitted and wrote up Ribbit, the Tiny Elf and the Tiny Turkey. I seem to come up with some good stuff while on the road. We'll see how I do this time. I have something fun in mind for a project that I'd like to try.

Here is the quick run-down of my schedule with a few updates:

Wednesday, March 3rd:
I am starting off the trip with an exciting stop in Chicago! Please tune in to the "WGN Midday News" as I will be doing a live segment. This is a live, 3-4 minute segment that will air around 11:35-11:40 AM CT. WGN is shown all over the country so check it out if you get a chance!
I am sorting out my needles trying to decide what to bring along. I am really wondering where all of my size 4 dpns are right now. I have one lonely needle in that slot.

Here is some more fun stuff I will be doing:

Thursday, March 4th:
Dayton, Ohio
FOX45 “In the Morning” This is a live, 2 ½ minute segment that will air around 8:45 AM

Continuing on in Dayton and Cincinnati on Thursday, March 4th:

10:45 arrival BOOKS & CO. (The original location)
11:00 AM Event (book signing) 350 E. Stroop Road
Dayton, OH 45429
Contact: Sharon Kelly Roth
Phone: 937-429-6302

2:30 PM Radio Interview “Cover to Cover” with Mark DeWitt (this is a book-based radio interview that is later posted as a podcast and I will post the link to this 27 minute show later for you to listen to if you're interested.)
Last event of the day on Thursday, March 4th:
6:45 PM ARRIVAL BOOKS & CO. (The new store)
7 PM Book signing/trunk show 4453 Walnut Street
Dayton, OH 45440
Contact: Sharon Kelly Roth
Phone: 937-429-6302
I'm loading up my Kindle with a couple of new books today. I am not sure yet what I want to read. I love my Kindle. It was a Christmas gift.

Here is my last day of fun where I head back to Chicago!

Friday, March 5th:

12:45 PM ARRIVAL nina: a well-knit shop
1:00 PM 1655 West Division St.
Chicago, IL 60622
Contact: Nina Rubin
Phone: 773-486-8996
At Nina's I will be having a meet and greet and book signing and trunk show. Hope to see you there!
Anyway, wish me luck and really wish me luck that my voice shows up before I have to speak anywhere. I have a case of laryngitis I guess. I haven't been sick in years, not even a cold or a sniffle and now right before I have a strenuous two weeks of touring a rotten cold decides to take over. Bummer. I'm going to make the best of it and hope it all just goes away. I'll bring my hand-sanitizer, too:)

Below is a photo of the new free pattern I just released for Spud says! I don't want you to miss out so jump on over there to get this free pattern for baby socks. It is a great gift idea to have on hand. You can whip up a pair of baby socks in no time at all in a worsted weight yarn like Sweater.

I'll pop back in while I am traveling if I am up to it and I can find a spare moment or two. If not, I'll tell you all about it when I return.
best, susie


  1. Have a great time in Chicago! Nina is right in my neighborhood. Chicago is pretty miserable weather-wise right now but visit us again when we are warmer!

  2. I wish I could make it to Chicago but alas - too far away for me right now! And look at all that beautiful yarn you have to choose from. Jealous (1)!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE our kindle. DH & I share one - I no longer leave home w/out it. :)

    Good luck with your voice. Being sick stinks!

  3. Hope you feel better soon. Looking forward to your next book I'm working my way through Toys & having a wonderful time.
    I picked up a #4 needle off the floor last night it's the only one I could back ground music from twilight zone.
    Safe trip

  4. I was hoping to make it to Dayton but I wasn't able to get out of work like I had hoped. Have a great tour!

  5. Well I am from way way away but I wish you all the best. Your book is on my birthday list!! I have been busy knitting sleepy puppies today
    Kindest Regards Linda

  6. Hi! I'm new on your blog! Good Luck on your book tour! I will have to check out your book. You have such beautiful knit pieces on your blog!

  7. What?! A new book? I need more info!

  8. Hoping you feel better and your voice comes back quick. Have a great trip!

    Can't wait to see what your new book will be about. I've got all the others! Now I just need to find time to work on all the adorable projects.

  9. I just purchased Itty Bitty Toys today and I hope to cast on the snack in the next couple of days for my nephews 3rd birthday. I think he will love it! Thanks for the inspiration. My next project just might have to be the giraffe. :)

  10. Feel better. Drink hot tea while savoring a piece of chocolate. Your voice will come back. If not, have somemore tea and chocolate and write on a chalkboard.
    Have a wonderful trip.

  11. Good luck with your voice! Hope you get well soon. I'm knitting the socks right now.

  12. Good Luck!! Hope you come to NYC sometime!!

  13. Oh, Susie! Feel Better...pack your Neti pot and some salt for gargling!
    Warm hugs!

  14. I have not seen that needle holder! Does it have name? Can you tell me where to find one? It looks great.

  15. I read a fun book called "The Mighty Queen's of Freeville" by Amy Dickinson. It is a true story and a fun read.
    Safe travels and I do hope you feel better soon.


  16. Where did you get that needle case? I have been on the lookout for one and the one you have looks esxactly like one I am looking for? Hope you are feeling better soon!

  17. Have a good trip, and I hope you feel better soon.

  18. You looked and sounded just fine in your interview. Yay! No one would know you're under the weather. Safe travels and enjoy Dayton!

    Ann Hiltner
