Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Monday, December 28, 2009


Hi Knitters,
I started this hat as a treat for myself a couple of days ago. Yesterday I really had some time to nail it down. I LOVE it! The yarn is the most decadent, gorgeous, soft, lofty treat ever. It is Blue Sky Alpacas Royal which is a 100% luxury alpaca. It is like nothing else I have ever tried. Delicious. It is light as air and the drape is dreamy. I want to knit a lot more with this yarn.

The hat fits so nicely. It's comfortable, covers my ears, clings where it should and looks fantastic! I am thrilled with the way this turned out. The stitch pattern involves increasing and decreasing to get the rippled effect. It is simple but interesting, too, which is the best for this busy time of year. It makes for perfect knitting by the fire. There is nothing more difficult than a kfb (knit in the front and back of the same stitch), and a k2tog (knit two stitches together). Easy, peasy.
I am calling this new pattern, which is available for purchase in my pattern shop, Ruche. Here is the dictionary definition of ruche:
ruche (rōōsh)
n. A ruffle or pleat of lace, muslin, or other fine fabric used for trimming women's garments.

[French, from Old French rusche, beehive, from Medieval Latinrūsca, bark of a tree (used for making beehives), of Celtic origin.]
ruched (rōōsht) adj.

Perfect, right? Beehive, bark of a tree, pleated, ruffled, they all fit the bill. Viva La Roooosh!
The Collector took the photos this morning. Not bad for a 10-year-old.
Here is some information you might like to know:
Size: To fit an average size woman or large child with a head circumference of 20-22 inches.
US size 3, 16-inch circular and 24-inch circular needles OR size to obtain gauge
US size 3, double-pointed needles set of 4 OR size to obtain gauge
Ruler or tape measure
Stitch marker
Yarn needle
6 stitches per inch in stockinette stitch
k knit
p purl
k2tog knit two stitches together
kfb knit in the front and back of the same stitch
rnd(s) round(s)
st(s) stitch(es)
The pattern cost is $4.50. Please remember that I personally send out all patterns from my shop via email with an attached pdf pattern. Sometimes there is a slight delay because it is not automated, it's me doing all of the sending! I try to be as prompt as possible.
Thanks and I hope you enjoy this beautiful, lush hat as much as I do!
best, susie
p.s. Two of my patterns made the Best Knitting Patterns of 2009 for Check it out here! Thanks, Ramona, for letting me know.
p.p.s. I have a new free pattern available on Spud says! Check it out here!


  1. You look adorable in it! LOVED seeing your new kitchen pics. Hope you had a Merry Christmas!

  2. Just lovely and you look so cosy!!
    Regards Linda

  3. What a wonderful looking hat! You always come up with fast patterns that are so pretty! Love the color!


  4. Congrats again on having your patterns selected by!
    Best wishes for continued success, Ramona

  5. I Love this hat! I'll have to find the yummy yarn first, though...Anyplace in Madison carry it that you know?

  6. Hi Sara!
    I have no idea if anyone is carrying Royal in Madison. They should if not:)

    Let me know if you find it.

  7. I am always in awe of your creativity, Susan; you rock! Go on girl!

  8. Susan, is the cream scarf with pom poms in the picture for your podcasts your pattern? I didn't see it in your pattern shop and I don't remember that one being on Spud and Chole. Thanks!

  9. That white scarf is from Scarf Style and I believe it is called something like the Here and There scarf. It has reversible cables and is designed by Teva Durham.

  10. Very cute hat! I ordered the pattern as soon as I saw it. By the way-love your new kitchen--especially those tiles!

  11. Ooh - Lovely! Great color and pattern!

  12. Amazing how the light really plays with and changes the color! What a great design!

  13. Happy New Year! I just placed my order for looks adorable on you...or you look adorable in it!? Congratulations on the Whip.up nomination! (Still looking for the yarn..)

  14. you are a very talented designer. it's a beautiful hat!

  15. Love this pattern! Love that chair you're sitting in! Love you! xox

  16. I'm sold!--on both Mad Hungry and your adorable Valentine washcloths. Hope I get a chance to make a few before Valentine's day. I look forward to your blogs, both your own and Spud and Chloe's. Thanks for sharing your abundant inspiration. Josey
