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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Let me get my glue gun...

Hi Knitters,
I thought you might think this is as goofy as I do. On last Saturday night we had somewhere between 20 to 30 people over to take photographs of their kids before the homecoming dance. We had appetizers and soft drinks and tons of photos were taken. It was fun.

One girl's wrist corsage fell apart just minutes after she slipped it on. There were six tiny white roses and five of them fell off, pretty disappointing. One of the roses was lost for good. While the other four roses were being gathered up I noticed there was a corsage crisis in the making. All of sudden I felt a bunch of eyes looking at me! Yeah, let's ask the knitter, she can fix it.

My first attempt was to pin the roses back onto the base of the corsage. That was a disaster. The other moms were talking about Super Glue as an option. I may have had Super Glue at some point but after all of the renovation turmoil I have no idea where it might be. Then the glue gun option came up. I knew I had a glue gun in my basement somewhere. I ran downstairs and started digging in bins. I was feeling some serious corsage repair pressure.

I struck it rich. I actually found three glue guns. Don't ask.

I ran up the stairs to the party clutching my glue gun and extra glue sticks. My statement when I emerged was, "That was nothing short of a miracle!" That drew some laughter. I started gluing the corsage together and when I looked up I realized that several parents were taking my picture while I was trying to piece the corsage back together. Why on earth?

I managed to fix the corsage and it looked pretty darn good, close to perfect.

When one of the parents sent photos of the kids at the gathering to me (and other parents) today there were photos of me with my glue gun included. I couldn't believe it. That's not right.

The dad did tell me later that they used the photos of me with my glue gun at the florist to show how the corsage fell apart and had to be repaired. They got a full refund!

Glad to be of service.
best, susie


  1. Good for you! I'm convinced almost anything can be fixed with a glue gun or duct tape ;-).

  2. Now that's funny! My mom always swears by glue guns to solve most of life's disasters. That's probably why I have several :)

  3. Maybe I should invest in a glue gun - might be handier than duct tape in certain situations!

  4. My mom works in a floral department and would you believe, they actually use glue guns to MAKE wrist corsages! My mom was shocked, as she'd always wired them together, but lo and behold, florists do actually use glue guns!!!

  5. "Susie, get your gun, get your gun, get your gun...." :) The first thing that came to mind when I read this post.

  6. Oh, this weekend is homecoming for my son's school. I have had the same wonderful florist make all the kids corsages and boutonnieres for 10 years now and we have never had a disaster. Wonder if she uses glue?

    Anyway, I think this is a wonderful idea. I'll make sure that I have my gun handy this weekend should any disaster befall.

  7. How sweet! I have found that there isn't much that can't be fixed by either a glue gun, duct tape, or silicone!

  8. Super Susan saves the day! A glue gun is like a crafter's duct tape, right?

  9. I am reading this post over lunch with my daugther (who is one on Saturday). I started laughing and she suddenly started to chime in with laughter herself; although, I am pretty sure she didn't get the "funny."

    Thanks for making two of us laugh today-- and kudos for your glue gun ability!

  10. Yeah Susan! Good thing everyone was at your house. Otherwise things would not have been so great for the one girl. :)


  11. Awesome save! And to think I was the only person with multiple glue guns - never can tell when they'll come in handy!

  12. I am sure this will be one of the things that the homecoming "kids" will vividly remember for years to come. They will probably tell the story to their kids when they go their homecoming festivities! Party on--Ramona

  13. I love your story of your glue gun. Couldn't live without mine. The REAL reason I am comment though is I got Itty Bitty Toys yesterday. Oh my. Never made toys but think that willl be my next project. I have your Itty Bitty Hats and don't go anywhere without it. Have made quite a few Marley Hats for family. I am in the process of knitting 50 hats for the homeless(my personal goal) by January BUT I plan to work a few animals in in the meantime. THANK you for sharing your talent!!!

  14. Great job.....but the cardi, oh the cardi looks wonderful!

