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Monday, July 13, 2009


Hi Knitters,
Whoot! Whoot! A completed wildflower crown is being sported about. We picked and wove the flowers and greenery together late yesterday. That's a proud little mama.
The lighting is poor in my family room where my quilt is on the floor but you can get the idea. There is no rhyme or reason which is perfect. I am so excited about this project. My mind is all over it. I am going to be adding more columns in between the columns above with different fabric so it will end up looking different. I need to finish my columns first then press the seams and sew the columns together. It is big. I am not sure of the exact measurements yet. I am totally winging it!! My kinda project, make it up as you go. I'll take better pics in better lighting when I can haul it around in one piece. I am so excited about it that I had to share.

So I've learned that you can do stippling by taking the foot off of your machine completely and lowering the feed dogs (which I just found the lever for after much searching). I'm definitely going to try that on some practice fabric first. I think I can do it! I can't even tell you how much I love it when people write and tell me sewing answers. I love it so much. It makes my day and I am learning at a fast rate. Thank you to everyone who emails and comments with sewing tips. I take them all to heart. You're the best.

Whoot! Whoot!
Just had to say it one more time, forgive and forget.
best, susie


  1. Ooo, ooo, I've been going to try me some stippling to... maybe there's a youtube video (or 120) that would be so much easier for me than getting to a class, hehe... they don't usually schedule those after my kids are all in bed!

  2. The thing to watch out for when you lower your feed dogs is tension. Because the machine won't be moving your fabric forward or backward you need to be consistent in your movement of the fabric. I've had some ugly results before I learned this lesson. Looks great!

  3. Very CUTE! Good luck with stipling!

  4. You should use a darning foot also - and the other commenter made a good point about tension...definitely look up some tutorials. I love how the quilt is coming along - very bohemian to me.
