Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Friday, May 01, 2009


Hi Knitters,
I can't believe what a whirlwind this week was! In some ways I am glad it's over and in other ways I am sad it flew by. I want to simply share a list of fun links to finish out the last week in April and to welcome the new month. 
Here I go:
cutest self-published knitting book ever! Received mine today and I triple love!
best design contest opportunity now open for entries!
great scarf for some chunky yarn sitting around my house.
adorable blog with sewing and children's literature reviews.
fantastic sizing charts for children's garments.
toy-making tool I really, really need but don't have.
hat I want to make but never do.
mitten obsession.
I'll leave you with this beautiful gathering of gorgeous natural fiber. That's a sneak peek, the yarn will be launched in June. Squishy!

I have one last newsworthy thing to mention. Mama's got a new job! I've been hired by a fantastic yarn company, Blue Sky Alpacas, to do all sorts of really cool things for their new yarn line, Spud and Chloe. It is my dream job. I never thought an opportunity like this would come true in a million years but it did. I will be sharing more details about my newest undertaking very soon. It is exciting and fun and hopefully it will benefit all of you in some great ways. 

Have a peaceful weekend, Knitters.
best, susie


  1. Yay you! Oh, congratulations, Susan! I know how much you love BSA yarn. You deserve this, I can't wait to hear more. Hope you celebrate this weekend!

  2. Oh my goodness!! That charted chicken is just the greatest!
    Thanks for the mention & link!
    Have a super weekend!

    Happy knitting-

  3. WAAAAHOOOOOO!!! Congrats!!!


  4. You are too cool for words girl! I can't wait to see what you do.

    Lots of congrats and smiles for YOU!!!!

  5. Congrats on the new job! I've been tracking Spud and Chloe since you first mentioned them in the design contest link - the yarn looks delicious! (and the name - Spud and Chloe - who doesn't want to buy yarn with such an adorable name?)

  6. Congrats Susie - what a great opportunity with BSA - hope it brings nothing but the best for you!!!

  7. Congratulations! Can't think of a better person to take on the challenge. What fun and great opportunity.

  8. Congratulations on the new job! It does sound like a dream job. I know you will be perfect for it.

  9. AnonymousMay 01, 2009

    Good on you! ---Ramona

  10. Congratulations Susan, how very exciting!!! Thanks for the links too!

  11. Congratulations, Susan. I hope you continue with your dream job for years to come.

    Everyone at the Woolie Ewe will be so excited when I tell them! But, it's no surprise. You have talent oozing from every finger and toe!

    Congrats again from us all!

    The Woolie Ewe Crew

  12. Fantastic news on the new job! I am a fan of your patterns and hope to see many, many new ones. Thanks for all the great links.

  13. Yay ....congratulations on the new job. I just can't wait to see all the beautiful things you will create!

    Thanks for all the great 'links' ...all so inspiring and beatufiul. Have a great weekend!

  14. That's so great, Susan! I'm anxious to hear all about it. You'll be terrific at whatever you do for them.

  15. Congratulations! You may not have thought that an opportunity like this may come your way, but you are the right person for the job and will do an awesome job!

  16. Congratulations! So great to live out your dream. You deserve it. Those yarn colors are yummy--lucky you!

  17. Diane H KMay 06, 2009

    Thank you very, very much for the link to the sizing charts. I design knitwear for my toddler, trying to knit ahead of her growth by one season, and the chart is something I've desperately needed!

  18. Congratulations, you! What fabulous'll be a perfect addition to their team, Susan.
