Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sweetheart Hat Pattern

Hi Knitters,
Here it is! Sweetheart hat is ready to go.

Here is some information for you:
Yarn: 1 ball Sugar-n-Cream for the hat (I used Strawberry)
Small amount of Sugar-n-Cream for the hearts (I used Rosie Pink)
Small amount of Sugar-n-Cream for the trim on hearts (I used White)

Size 7 sixteen inch circular needles and double-pointed needles (set of 4)
Gauge: 5 stitches per inch in stockinette
Finished sizes: 0-6 months (6-12 months, 12-24 months, small child)
Level: easy, easy, easy! 
Skills: knit, purl, ssk, k2tog, kfb, single crochet
Go for it!
Have fun, Knitters. This is a quick little knit. You can whip these up super fast for a go-to gift.

If you are interested in purchasing the pattern click on the "buy now" button below and it will take you to paypal. The pattern is $3.50. I will email the pattern in a pdf file. It may take a short while for me to get the pattern to you.

Thanks and enjoy!
best, susie


  1. So cute! I'm afraid I must have it for my baby who's due so close to Valentine's Day. ♥

  2. ADORABLE Susie!!!!! I'm going to knit it up for Jessica's sweet little baby Sara and maybe for Kate the kindergartener too.

  3. Oh, this is perfect for a friend's little one who is due on St Valentine's Day. Too bad they want the sex to be a surprise, so pink might not do if it's a boy! Maybe I can make it in yellow or green...

  4. Cannot keep up with your new patterns and knit through your books! I love it! Keep up the outstanding work.

    Sandy in NJ

  5. I adore this!!! Bonus for me that I have a few balls of this yarn sitting around! Can't wait to receive it in my e-mail! Thanks, again! Shell

  6. What a sweet hat! Too cute!!

  7. Ohh its so cute!!! Hehe, didn't take me long to decide I NEED this pattern!
