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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Share, Share

Hi Knitters,
It's show and tell time. Sunny sent me her Sweetheart Washcloth on her newly finished mosaic bathroom. She is actually a mosaic genius among other things. She is doing her entire house in mosaic and it is so cool. Seriously, take a look here and scroll on down. This is one ambitious woman, she even runs a jackhammer. Sunny is from Japan but is living in California. I love it when she mentions my blog because then I get traffic from Japan. She has a big following from all over the world. It is super fun. I've even gotten orders from Japan for the washcloths. More to come from Sunny later.
Lissa from Green Bay sent me this photo of her sweethearts. Love the different colors. Thanks for sharing.
Cathy sent me these fantastic shots of her one-year-old twin grandchildren. She knitted the birthday cake hats from Itty-Bitty Hats. That's her beautiful daughter, too.
She has a boy and a girl! Aren't they cute?
Oh yeah! He's a keeper. I love those little baby teeth and those cheeks! Those are too good for words. I was touched at how proud Cathy is of these beautiful babies but also how proud she is of her birthday cake hats. That is sweet and it warms my heart.
One last thing from Sunny. She is a fantastic knitter and mosaic artist but she also does ceramics. She made this stunning ceramic hat stand where she changes out her Itty-Bitty Hats (she has knit quite a few for her daughter) to display in her home. She loves the hats too much to put them away she told me. That hat is the Rainbow Marley from the book. That hat stand is about the coolest thing ever. I love the petal base. I wish I could do ceramics. Maybe someday...

Okay, Knitters, I am just quickly touching base tonight. It has been a fun, busy day. My boys are at a swim meet returning soon and so my husband and I spent the day with our girls bumming around town. It's cold but there is still a lot you can do, you just have to bundle up!

Have a good night.
best, susie


  1. How nice to see what people are doing. That Sunny is pretty amazing!

  2. Isn't it fun to see how the same pattern can be so different with each person's creativity?

    Sunny IS amazing!!!

  3. I need some hat stands to display all my itty-bitty hats. I wish I could find some that cool. Actually, I don't know where to find any period! Ideas?

  4. Hi Paws,
    I really don't have any suggestions for hat stands and where to find them. I would just google and see what pops up.
    Good luck,

  5. Sunny must have made the hand soap dish too, which grabbed my attention right away--love it. How neat to see your patterns knit up by others.
