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Friday, October 24, 2008


Hi Knitters,
Every Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas I pull out stacks of my kids' seasonal artwork I have saved throughout the years. I plaster these works of art all over my front entryway, covering every inch in the holiday spirit. I love seeing things they made at school and home year after year.
The Collector made this paper bag pumpkin when she was 3 at nursery school. We laugh about her pumpkin every single year. She thinks it is so funny. I tell her that she was completely serious and proud of her jack-o-lantern art. I will always set this out, forever.
Teeth seems to be the theme here. I have many versions of jack-o-lanterns and witches and haunted houses.
The skeleton painting is about 3 feet long, my oldest son painted it about 12 years ago. I love the million lines on the pumpkin above and you can't find better sketching of a witch race on broomsticks.
I especially like the creeping skeleton with big eyeballs and the spider moon.
And who wouldn't want to swing on a tree that hovers over a graveyard? Scary.

Halloween is coming soon and we are busy getting ready, well, mainly we have been eating lots of candy corn but we try.

Off to the weekend.
best, susie
p.s. On the topic of kids and art, I have to get these and these. I found this tip from her, I adore her work and simple style and she is expecting her fourth child. Brave. Do you have her book? I don't yet but I need to check it out.


  1. Hi Susan- I just bought the Christmas scented pencils. What fun. I'm sure it will make homework a much more pleasant chore! Love your blog and books.

  2. You have very talented kids, who wouldnt want artwork like that around the house? I know I would anyway...

    Just wanted to say that I really enjoy reading your very inspiring blog.

    Wishing you a great weekend Veronica from linköping, Sweden

  3. I do have her book, it is sweet - and I just saw those smencils somewhere...but where?

  4. I have Amanda Blake Soule's book, The Creative Family. She has some amazing ideas involving using embroidery to preserve your child's fun. She also discussing knitting with your fingers for kids. Her blog and photography is so great...Liz
