Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Passing the Gravy

Hi Knitters,
I've been working away the hours and watching movies and tv as I go. Here is one dvd set that I have watched all the way through and I thought you might be interested in it. Knittingdaily tv is a series put together by the talented fiber geniuses at Interweave, Eunny Jang, Kim Werker, and Liz Gipson and the show host, Shay Pendray. 

The set has 4 dvds and has over 5 hours of knitting/crocheting/weaving packed shows. There are featured designers including Michele Rose Orne, Leigh Radford, Wendy Bernard, Louisa Harding and Robin Melanson to name a few. I enjoyed seeing these talented designers actually talking and knitting and alive, very fun. There is so much information included in the series that you are sure to learn something new by watching. It is well done.

Anyway, this is a short and sweet entry to say I am passing the gravy on to you! I've already watched all of the shows and I don't think I will watch them again. I thought maybe one of you would like to watch these fantastic knitters in action. Here's what you need to do:

Write me a comment on this post and not an anonymous comment. Leave your name or your blogging name or some sort of identifying element.

That's it. I'm having another giveaway! 

I'm not saying when the contest is over so get your comment in quick. I will announce the winner, which will be randomly selected, on my next post. The winner will then need to contact me within a couple of days via email to send me their mailing address. If I don't hear from the winner I will select a new one. Please keep the entries to U.S. and Canada mailing addresses to keep shipping costs down.

Go for it, Knitters. You will love watching these shows as much as I did.
best, susie


  1. What a generous offer! I'd love to win the dvd's - they sound great!

  2. I can't believe I am the first one to comment! These DVDs look great to educate and entertain while I knit. Thanks for sharing them. I hope I am the lucky one!

  3. I love reading your blog. I am a new knitter and I like seeing all of your wonderful projects.

    Laci Kay

  4. Oh, I would love the DVDs to watch while I make itty bitty baby hats.

  5. I would love to watch the DVD's. Thanks for being so generous.
    Can't wait to see what you are knitting next.

  6. Funny, I was reading and thinking, man I'd love to watch those...and now you're giving them away!

    You're a generous person! I'm sure whoever gets them will enjoy it immensely, and then perhaps pass them on once again. :o)

  7. I saw this advertised in Interweave, at least I think it was interweave, looks very interesting.
    You ARE the giveaway queen :)

  8. How sweet of you to have such nice giveaways! I would love the videos since it was by this method I taught myself to knit! I'm always eager to learn new techniques & stitches! Thank you Susan!

  9. Ohhh, I'd love to win that! I subscribe to their emails as well, and they are always full of valuable information.
    I love your blog, Susan, and all of your generous giveaways! :o)

  10. And just in time for some indoor cozy knitting days....


  11. Wow, how generous of you to share! I would love a chance to win this DVD series. Thank you so much for this opportunity.

  12. Oooh! Giveaways! Count me in!


  13. this dvd could be an invaluable resource for those of us without a local knitting community! Thanks for your amazing generosity :)

  14. That DVD set looks great...I am always looking for some good stuff to watch for the winter. Yes, I am already thinking about the snow here in Chicago :-0

  15. Great idea to "recycle" the DVDs to others. Sounds interesting.

  16. Thank you for sharing!


  17. Love those giveaways! Try, try again! Sounds like a great watch. Thanks for the opportunity.

  18. Hi Susan! Love your blog and been reading it for awhile but this is my first comment. I'd like to win the DVD! Thank you for a generous offer.

  19. Oooh, DVDs! Mine!

  20. How generous of you to do this! I'd love to win.

  21. Too cool! Heck, I didn't even know they had a show. Way to be on the ball, Jess. :D

    Anyway, I'd love to see them. You are such a sweetie!

  22. What a great idea! I'd enjoy watching the DVD, then pass it along to someone else on this list. It could be a fun see-n-share activity! Thanks to you for sharing!


  23. Dear Susie,

    You are amazing! Perhaps the winner needs to agree to send the DVD along to another knitter once the shows are "digested"--that way we would pass along the gravy :)


  24. I'd love to win the dvd's. Thanks for having a contest.

  25. Yay! I love watching knitting shows while I knit! Can't wait to see what you have been working on!

  26. The dvds sound great! Thanks for giving them away!

  27. It's always a treat to see what you've got going on, as I try to find to enjoy some knitting.

    Thanks for all the inspiration.

  28. How nice of you to pass these on to someone!! Although if I'm lucky enough to be that someone, I'm not sure my husband will think you're so nice. ;) Ha!

    Knitsngrins (on Ravelry)

  29. Pick me! Pick me! I am a novice knitter and would love to improve my skills.

  30. Ooh, pick me, pick me :). It will be great to watch these while I am looming away ;)

  31. How sweet. I think this is great fun.

  32. Hey there Susie,

    Cool give-away (as always)...I'm actually leaving town on Thursday hopefully you'll do your random drawing tomorrow... ;-)

    Fall is in the air and I've been looking for some new shows to watch while I'm knitting up a storm.

    Take care and thanks for all the continued knitted inspiration!!!

    ~ Kathy C (Hillsboro, OR)

  33. I've been hoping my PBS station will run this one. Thanks for the opportunity!

  34. Thanks for the offer! I have been wanting to order this DVD set but am on a budget (which, sadly, extends to yarn as well). Fingers crossed that I'm the lucky one to get it!

    PS. Thank you for sharing the wealth with the rest of us. :)

  35. I've been hoping my PBS station will run this program. I'm so interested in the show. Thanks for the opportunity.

  36. Oh yeah! I would love that!

  37. Add me to the list! Those DVD's look like a great excuse for an extended session of knitting.

  38. I love contests! Especially ones for knitting loot.

  39. What fun!! I wouldn love to watch these!

  40. I have been wondering about that series. I just got a portable DVD player so it would be nice to watch it after the baby is asleep.

    You always have the best give aways!

  41. Hi Susie, Thanks for the chance to win another great prize. I had been hoping to see this series on our local Toronto/Buffalo PBS station, but no go. I want to thank you for the cheerful, upbeat and fun entries you make to the blogging world. I am always happy to see what you have discovered or are creating on your own or with your children. I don't know how you do it all, but I appreciate your perspective. Kim in Georgetown, ON

  42. I can't believe it - another contest! I'd love a chance to win this DVD set. Thanks!

  43. Wow Susie! You are too sweet! What a great treat those DVD's would be!

  44. What a great give away!!
    Count me in the running!

    Have a great day & happy knitting!:)


  45. I'm in a cable free zone in our house so getting this set of dvds would be great. Thanks for sharing

  46. Wow, I love videos like these! Great gravy giveaway!

  47. Thanks for sharing! Count me in!

  48. Sounds wonderful. I haven't seen this before. If I don't win I may need to buy one for myself.

  49. Count me in! I've been wanting to see these!!!

  50. Would love to see these ladies at work!!! Thanks for the "sharing" love.

    Diana B.

  51. You have the best giveaways!! Pick me!! :)

  52. Pass the gravy, please - my local station does not carry this show! I asked my mom to tape it for me for Christmas, but she doesn't get it, either.

  53. sounds good to me!

  54. The dvds sound really useful. I'm always interested in learning something new!

  55. Thanks for another opportunity to win a great prize! I've never seen this show so I'd be honored and psyched to win.

  56. Neat! I'd love to watch them!

  57. good morning, susan (at least it's still morning on the west coast.

    Gretchen S.

  58. Thanks, as always, for your generosity! I've been thinking about these since I heard about them on the Ready Set Knit podcast, but, like you, I probably wouldn't watch them more than once, so . . . this is a great opportunity to share the 'gravy'!
    (monkijan on Ravelry)

  59. oh dear LORD i want that!

  60. I would love them... I am a beginning knitter and have tackled a few of your projects (I own both books) but have had problems with some of the different stitch techniques so hopefully if I'm lucky and win this it will help me on the road to becoming a knitting master!

  61. I would love to see this...why doesn't one of Madison's 5 digital PBS stations get this show?!
    Thanks for sharing!!

  62. I'd love to watch these! Thanks for the opportunity of another great giveaway!

    Lauren in VA

  63. I love reading your blog! The DVD's sound great. Thanks for your generosity!

  64. Thank you so much for your continued generosity. Looking forward to viewing the DVDs if they come my way!- cj

  65. Our PBS station is not carrying the show so I would love to see the DVD.



  66. Thank you so much for giving them away! I don't get the channell in my area and am sad about that!


  67. Thanks for sharing.

  68. Thank you Susan! You are so generous, and a great inspiration. Fitting that I am just finishing a 'candy cane' hat from your book this afternoon. Red, blue and green Baby Cashmerino for a baby shower this weekend. Thanks again for the opportunity!


  69. Count me in. Thanks!!

  70. Oooh I'd love those DVDs. And if you pick me, you won't need to pay postage because I live in Madison and I could pick it up!

  71. I haven't seen this show yet, so I'm glad to hear it's good! Thanks for being generous with your DVD :)

  72. I am a visual learner and swear by my DVDs - especially the one for the Baby Surprise Jacket! Would love to add this to my collection that I share with knitting friends.

    Sandy in NJ

  73. This sounds like a great set of DVDs! This will definitely get the creativity wheels spinning.

  74. I was thinking about ordering these DVD's because our local PBS station refuses to run any shows that are knitting or sewing or crafting related. If I win them I will in turn pass them on to other knitters for their enjoyment, once I have viewed them.

  75. I love looking at your blog each day or so. I have made several of your patterns and have three books of yours. Linda Gerig

  76. Those look like great DVDs. I was just reading something about this set on another site today also. Guess I have as good a chance as any to win.

    Love your blog!

  77. That's so sweet of you to do this! Crossing my fingers!!

    Wendy R.

  78. I'm trying again--I don't think this worked the first time. This is so sweet of you! My fingers are crossed.

    Wendy R.

  79. I love knitting your patterns and reading your blog. I would be honored to win. Thanks for your generosity!

  80. What a great giveaway! Would love to watch knitting while knitting.
    I love your blog, your books, and your style. Thanks so much!

  81. what i wouldnt do to get these videos they sound amazing...

    and i would gladly pass them on when i was finished with them...

    i see another contest coming in the future!!!


  82. Hi, I just have to say I love you blog & patterns! After 13 years we still have no children of our own but I have bought your books to knit the projects for my "box of dreams" and someday hope to use! It would be so cool to win this dvd as our local channel doesn't carry the program. We could have a knit & watch party with my knitting friends!
    Keep up the great work & can't wait to see the patterns you come out with next! You are so thoughtful to pass this along to another knitter, who ever it may be!

  83. Pick me! Pick me!

    Circleville, OH

  84. I just recently discovered knitting and your book, "Itty Bitty Hats" and was able to make several hats for gifts with your instructions. Thanks so much!

  85. It's always a great day when I get your blog - I really look forward to them and all the fun and sometimes funky (I love the funky) ideas! The DVD looks fabulous!

  86. I can't believe your giving them away. I have access to 3 PBS stations and 2 additional PBS HD channels and none carry "Knitting Daily TV". I would love the DVD's. I hope I'm the lucky one!!

  87. WOW... what a great giveaway! Crossing my fingers. You are my inspiration!

  88. This would be great winter watching! Crossed fingers here...except when I'm knitting :)
    quinn on rav

  89. I've wanted to see these videos! Wouldn't it be great to have my name drawn? Woohoo!

  90. Hi!!

    I enjoy reading your blog. You always have books or projects of interest! Thanks

  91. Thanks for another giveaway! How generous! I always look forward to a new post on your blog.


  92. here's my entry for the DVD's. They sound wonderful!

  93. That is such a nice offer!!! I would love seeing these DVDs!

  94. Another giveaway, yipee, I am always so excited but them. The DVD's look great. I love knitting and am getting better every day.

  95. You are very generous! I really enjoy your blog. Thanks a bunch!

  96. You are just the best! Thank you for this offer. What a great way to recycle!
    Carol Ann

  97. Putting my name in the hat. :D


  98. oooh, I have been wondering about these DVD's! I will keep my fingers crossed-thanks:)

  99. I would LOVE to see this DVD. It isn't on TV here! I love your books and I am a faithful reader of your blog! Thanks for all the inspiration!

  100. I continue to love reading your blog. The DVDs look like they would be great to watch.

    Donna Goad

  101. Oh wow--knitting on TV! What a wonderful treat. Thanks for these giveaways, Susie--I just love looking for them.
    Best, Ellen Murphy

  102. I've been looking forward to watching these. Thanks for thinking of us!

    -Lauren ("Lauren" on ravelry too)

  103. Pick me, pick me!!!! I would love to see that dvd. I've never seen the show or even heard of it before and its nice to know that there is another one out there.

  104. I would love to watch this set. What better way to pass a day knitting while watching.

  105. Please pass the GRAVY to Pittsburgh Knitter RuthE/
    and I love biscuits, too.
    You have a great blog. I enjoy reading what you are up to!
    Thanks for keeping me up to date in the knitting universe.

  106. Wow - that's so generous of you. I was checking out the site the other day - but the show doesn't broadcast in my area.

  107. I always like a little gravy on my blouse. I would love to watch these. You are so generous.

  108. I love watching Shay Pendray on PBS. We don't get the Knitting Daily show here. I'd love to win them and learn more techniques.

  109. you're so kind - i'd love to win.

  110. I just love contest----thanks for the offer...

  111. Your blog always keeps me inspired and your generoud giveawaysare wonderful!!!

  112. Another great give away, thanks Susan! I've never heard of this series, is it american? I'd love to own knitting videos! Something else for my family to tease me about! :)

  113. Sharon Imler in Virginia. I am so excited that you have given this such a great review. I have been searching for it on my PBS, no luck. Thank you, Susan

  114. Hi Susan!
    You are so thoughtful! It'd be great to watch the DVDs. Put my name in the pot! :)

  115. How COOL are you?! Thanks...they don't offer the knitting show on our PBS show and I have been soo wanting to see them. I didn't know there were DVDs! Thanks for all you do for the knitting community :)

  116. All hail queen of the giveaways! You described those dvds so well it almost sounded like you work for them! (in a good way, of course) Also, I made a sweater from Itty Bitty Nursery, but I forgot to take a picture of it, so I'll send one when my sister-in-law gets it to me.

  117. I've been budgeting for these DVDs - thank you for the opportunity to win them in this great giveaway. :)
    Will be happy to pass the gravy!

  118. I'm new to knitting and I sure hope that I win so that I can learn alot more! Thanks so much--I love this blog~
    Benoit Pascal

  119. Oooh sounds nice. I'm new to knitting and watching others is always a bonus!

  120. I too would love to win the DVD's. I read your blog and have your books. Thank you for being so generous.


  121. I've been wanting to watch these - as i am never home when any of the programs that feature knitting are on tv- I know just get DVR - but I just don't want to give the cable co any more $$ - I'd love to win.

  122. I teach knitting and would love some new knowledge to pass along! Thanks for being so generous with all of your fans!

  123. I would love to receive the DVDs. Thank you.

  124. Wow! You have some really nice giveaways! Looks like a cool DVD too. Hope I win;~)

  125. Great offer, thank you for your blog!

  126. Here's hoping the gift of these talented knitters is bestowed upon me!

    Thanks as always for your generosity!

  127. Thank you for such a great offer !!! My knitting group would love to watch this !!!! It looks wonderful !!!

  128. You're so generous! I'd love to win!


  129. Maybe I'll be lucky this time! Thanks so much for sharing with your loyal readers. You're the best, Susan!
    - MaryLou (

  130. Generous as always!!

    Thank you! :)

  131. I love gravy, and your blog.

  132. That's a very generous offer. The dvd's sound interesting. I think there's always something new to be learned from other knitters.

  133. I'd love the opportunity to check out the series. I've enjoyed reading your blog since picking up your first book. I am a sucker for baby knits and your books have become two must haves.

  134. Small town Texas with no LYS would love to learn to knit more things in my own living room. So please pick me!

  135. Wow! What an awesome resource to pass along!

  136. Hi Susan,

    I met you last winter in Holland Michigan at Tree House books and have read your blogs ever since and passed them on to friends.
    I've been recently laid off from the builder I work for and would love to watch something educational and entertaining.


  137. How nice of you to share some knitting knowledge! It would be so cool to see the designers in person talk about their patterns! I love the pass it on or pay it forward concept.
    Ravelry id: Moonbunny

  138. Thank you for such a generous give away. These look like great dvd's!

    Rav ID: Steffanie

  139. I've been interested in watching this! Thanks for passing it along.

  140. I love reading your blog and your giveaways are great.

  141. Yay you! Thanks for sharing.

  142. Oh it would be wonderful to win the DVDs. perhaps this could be a continual pass on...

  143. Oh..I would love to win the DVDs and learn so much more about knitting. Thanks for your great offer. Kristi ~ Ohio

  144. Sounds like fun! Thanks for the chance to win!

  145. Hey Susan! How are you? I've been lacking in the blog posting category but I'm always up for a giveaway. Thanks!

  146. This is the first time I have "commented" on a blog...Very scary! I love reading your blog and your work, and the love for your family that shines through. My first grandson's nickname is "Bug" and I want to knit one of your caps for him for Halloween!

  147. Such nice gravy too ;0) I'd love some!

  148. I would love these. I just said today I wish I was at home in the mornings so I could watch the knitting show on TV. With these I could watch knitting whenever I want.

  149. thanks for your generosity! your giveaways are so fun! i love the idea of passing this on, and on, and on!

  150. I'm a quilter who has been obsessed of late with knitting! I'd love to knit and watch these dvds. Thank you. Mona

  151. I've been waiting for this to come to my local public tv station only to find out they won't be airing it... once again, you are so generous. Have a great day.

  152. i dont even have a tv so i didnt know about these shows,,,i do have a dvd player tho and would love to watch these...please pick me or someone who really needs them :)

  153. I would love to win DVDs that I would want to watch! (Sorry kids, it's my turn!)

  154. WHOA! I almost bought this last week...maybe I'll win it.....

  155. I would love to have amovie night with all my friends and show the video with lots of popcorn and candy!

  156. Thanks for offering another prize goodie! I'd love to watch these over and over. :)

  157. Third time's a charm, right?

  158. Thanks for the giveaway! You are such a generous person!

  159. What fun!! I would love to watch those dvd's.

  160. Thanks for sharing the DVD's. I had never heard of the show before.

  161. Hi Susan~ I wish I may I wish I might ,win the dvd tonight !Then I too will pass it on after my time is up. debi S.

  162. How very cool! we don't get the show here in the bay area. It would be very nice to be the lucky winner. Thanks, Susan for sharing.

  163. This looks like a another great offer from you. Thanks for sharing your great stuff.

  164. I would love to see this show. our area doesn't get the series as of yet. Thanks for including all of us.

  165. Susan, How fun.. to pass along something that brought you such pleasure:) You're the best.
    Sinde ("hockeyme" at Ravelry)

  166. You are sooooo generous! Hope I win, how exciting.

  167. I'm about to have a baby so I'd love some DVD love to watch while I'm feeding, loving & not sleeping :)

  168. Count me in! I've just happened to catch the TV show a few times and I always have to stop and see what they are making. You're right. I always learn something new from them. Thanks for the giveaway! I hope I win!

  169. Thank you once again! I love reading your blog and the DVD's look great! Have a great weekend!

    Leslie G.

  170. i love checking out your blog and seeing what you are doing that is new.... keep creating!!!

  171. Just started knitting this summer. This would be perfect for cold fall afternoons while my little one naps.

  172. Wow! This is great,we don't get the knitting Daily channel here so I would love to watch the DVD's.

  173. I'd love to watch those! We don't have TIVO so I would never be able to see them unless I called in sick everytime it was on. I'm pretty sure they might catch on to me if I did that. They already think I'm the crazy knitter on the team. :)

  174. I broke my left arm and knitting is out for a bit, but watching knitting is the next best thing!!


  175. These dvds look great! Good luck everyone with the contest! What a sweet gesture on your part Susan!

    (yarnorgy on Ravelry)

  176. Knitting Daily is one of my favorite shows to watch. Thanks for the chance.

    Best Wishes,
    Linna Sisson

  177. Knitting Daily is one of my favorite shows to watch. Thanks for the chance.

    Best Wishes,
    Linna Sisson
