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Sunday, May 04, 2008

Sunday, Sunday

Hi Knitters,

It is finally a beautiful spring day here in Madison. It has been a long time coming. I stood at a soccer game yesterday in freezing rain wearing my winter coat and Welig gloves . The gloves were nice but not in May. We had hot cocoa afterwards to warm up. Today, however, is gorgeous, kind of cool and breezy but bright and shiny, too. We hiked through the Arboretum, which is a nature preserve next to Lake Wingra here in Madison. It was bursting with people just hungry for some good weather. It seemed like everyone was out walking, running, biking, picnicking, etc. It felt good.

We saw tons of blooming trees and my daughter couldn't help collecting some of the blossoms. Some blossoms she saved were already on the ground and some my husband would sneakily pull off for her. She was so excited about her flower collection. They are in a bowl with a bit of water and we will use it for our centerpiece at dinner tonight.
I love flowers in the spring. It has been a long, hard winter but I would miss the seasons so much if I lived in a different climate. We have such dramatic seasonal changes around here and it makes every season more beautiful and interesting each time it comes around again.
Notice the hat...

I found these shots on my camera when I was loading the photos from the hike.

You never know what you're going to find.

I didn't tally up the Twizzler vs. RedVine count but I think it came in pretty even. I have decided that when it comes right down to it I like RedVines the best. I realized this because that was the bag I opened first when I had the two bags together.

Happy Sunday, Knitters. I hope you enjoyed some spring weather, too.

best, susie
p.s. Someone wrote me a question in my comments and now I can't find it. The question was what to do if you are running out of yarn halfway through a hat and it is turning out huge. The answer is that your gauge is most likely significantly off and you will need to change to a smaller needle size and start again. Be sure to swatch or check your gauge early on for a small project. It makes all of the difference in the world. Good luck.


  1. AnonymousMay 05, 2008

    We moved to Boston a little more than a year ago from California, and I am enjoying the change of seasons so much.

    Happy Spring!

  2. Its the best time of the year...Spring time !!!!
