Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Ladybug's A-Coming

Hi Knitters,
I finished re-knitting this adorable ladybug hat and now I have made a few improvements on my original ladybug pattern. I tweaked it a bit to make it even better. That often happens when you come back to something you made a long time ago.
The hat is knitted in red only and the spots and antennae are added on after the fact. This is a super quick knit and an instant winner for any spring or summer baby near you!
My son assures me he can get this pattern up either later today or tomorrow. It will be available for purchase right here. I am excited to get this to you.
Next up, the bumble bee hat is coming. Can't you just see a pair of twins or two siblings in the bee and ladybug hats together?
Have a super Saturday knitters. Now off to touch up that pattern I go...
best, susie


  1. What happened? I thought you were going to Lexington, KY today to the Bookfest? Anyway, I'm looking forward to that bee hat to knit for my little Missy B.

  2. oh it's so cute! How do you make the antennae stick up like that?

  3. Jennysue,
    I keep forgetting to blog about my Lexington trip. I had terrible scheduling problems with my family. Without going into too much detail my husband is basically unavailable for the day and evening and my kids have about a dozen activities today. I've already been driving up a storm. It was too hard to try and coordinate. I was sorry to cancel but I just couldn't swing it all.
    Thanks for asking.

  4. Your hats are just so stinkin' cute!!

  5. omg, another adorable hat!

  6. AnonymousMay 17, 2008

    SO CUTE!!! Do you ever sleep?

  7. Hi Susan, I love the ladybug hat (in England we actually call them Ladybirds :-)
    Is this hat featured in one of your Itty Bitty books and available for purchase on here for those who haven't bought the book yet? I'd really like to buy the pattern if it's not in the books, will have to look through them both.

  8. Hi Denise,
    The Ladybug hat pattern is not included in either of my books. In fact, I will never put a pattern for sale on my blog that is in one of my books. The patterns will always be separate.

    Thanks for asking and I hope you are doing well:)

  9. AnonymousMay 18, 2008

    You create the cutest baby hats!

  10. LOVE it~!
    So wish my Niece didn't live in florida...
