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Monday, May 12, 2008

A Hook and a Cook(ie)

Hi Knitters,
Granny Square Update: 57
I know that isn't impressive since my last count was 52 but I shared anyway. I have had to slow down a bit due to other more pressing projects at hand. I will carry on though.
I wanted to share a couple of books with you today and both are crochet books I have acquired recently. The first is Lacy Crochet, Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts. Talk about beautiful little projects. There are things like doilies, placemats, a coin purse, adornments, booties, flowers, etc. All tiny, sweet projects done with fine yarn and small hooks. Love it all.
Just look at these booties, adorable. I love the rustic, simple photography as well.
I don't usually like any kind of knit or crocheted jewelry but I do like these pieces. They are so refined and lovely. I would wear either proudly. Now if I could just figure out the instructions, that is my challenge. Anyway, I recommend this one.
Okay, here is my other new crochet book. I think I mentioned this one briefly before. Lucinda Guy, one of my favorites, has a new crochet for kids book out and it is a winner. There are clothes, toys, blankets, hats, shoes, a complete collection ready to make. Her style is flawless, classic but always with a twist of fun. She loves her appliques and embellishments as much as I do and she does it well. Her partner in life and art does all of these fantastical illustrations.
How wonderful is this blanket? It is called the Bon-Bon Blanket and is made by placing a series of smaller circles next to larger circles and then crocheting on an edging. Lucinda uses all Rowan yarns so all of you Rowan lovers, me included, can revel in this feature. All of Lucinda's books are a happy, upbeat source of kids designs of all sorts. Definitely check her books out if you are looking for some new ideas for kids 2-5 years old.

There is such a sense of humor throughout Lucinda's books, you'll fall in love I am sure.

I got this book for Mother's Day from the kids. I am a major cookie baker and I love trying different recipes but my kids' favorite? Chocolate chip cookies, the recipe right off the back of the chocolate chip package. Go figure. Maybe I'll win them over with a few choices from here.

These are banana chocolate chunk. Maybe that'll work.

You know, I am not adding links right now because there is something weird going on with my computer this morning. I have been thrown off-line about a dozen times while I have been writing this post, frustrating...I will add them later when I figure out what is going on here.
*the links have been added:)*

Hope you had a nice weekend, Knitters. It is a glorious Monday.

best, susie


  1. Have you got the All-American Cookie Book? It's my favourite, and has a banana chocolate chip recipe that gets requested a lot.

  2. I just had to check out your blog after seeing your adorable books. You have totally inspired me! I will definitely be back often. Thanks!

  3. AnonymousMay 12, 2008

    Banana chocolate chunk! Wish I had that book. I love making cookies and eating them too. Enjoy your book.

  4. If you make the banana chocolate chunk - let me know - I'll bring the milk:)

  5. That Japanese Crochet book looks awesome! I may have to find one for myself. Crochet projects with tiny hooks reminds me of my grandma.

    Love your granny squares!

  6. I just finished the owl sweater from Lucinda's book ;)
    I love her designs!

  7. I can't crochet, but I have Lucinda's two other knit books. I just love the pictures in those books, and the crochet one looks just as cute. Those cookies look super yummy, let us know if you try them.

  8. AnonymousMay 14, 2008

    Hi Susan,

    On the Japanese crochet said you had to figure out the it written in English or Japanese (I went to Amazon site and it doesn't say)?

    Hmmmmm, I put it in my cart, so we'll see....

    Crocheting squares in many colors...a delight for the eyes and hands!


  9. Hey Christine,
    The instructions are written in English. It is a beautiful book.

  10. i have the martha book checked out from the madtown library as we speak. tested the peanut butter chocolate chip oatmeal and they were divine! was originally going to do the banana choc chunk and then didn't have everything. will defintiely be buying this book fror my stash. :)

  11. AnonymousMay 15, 2008

    Hi! I just linked to your blog from "In the Midst of It". I bought that Martha Stewart cookie book about a month ago and have made several different recipes out of it. I can't seem to get my cookies to turn out like they appear in the pics though. How successful have you been?! (I made the ones on the front cover, the anise cookies, the macaroons, the pecan cookies with the whole pecan in the center, and the window box "sheet cookie" with the apricot jam) The apricot was a total winner since it made such a HUGE portion, and for taste I just loved those pecan ones, although mine were way too flat. I am trying hard to make the pignolli ones but can't find the almond paste in the grocery stores around us. Chris
