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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Who Knew?

Hi Knitters,
Well, that was fun! I really had no idea, honestly. I pictured getting maybe 30 comments or so. I have never had enormous numbers of comments so I hadn't a clue that so many would come in. What a nice surprise. Thank you and thank you so much for the kindness in your comments. That sure makes a knitting girl feel good!

Since there was such a large number of entries I couldn't see printing out the comments and putting them in a hat (too much ink and paper wasted), so instead I added in the 15 emailed entries (you really were included) to the total number of comments left on the blog. Also, I posted a few comments that came in after the deadline but I didn't include those in the drawing. Rules are rules. We had the computer take the total number of comments and generate a random number and then we counted out on the blog to find the comment that matched the number. Phew!

On to the contest, here are the items that will be packaged up and sent out in a timely fashion. The package includes the knitted appletini elefante, of course, a signed copy of the elefante pattern (the one that sat on my lap as I knitted this sock yarn elefante), an autographed copy of my book, an Itty-Bitty Nursery tape measure, a sheep stitch marker and two skeins of Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock yarn dyed in exclusive colors for Purl and purchased at Purl. I adore this yarn. I thought the pink and blue skinny stripes would make the most perfect pair of elefantes.
And the winner is....
Blogger Caryn said...

Thank you for your creativity. I have made many of your hats for my son to wear and love the comments I get when he has a new one on. I also have your Itty Bitty Nursery book and just make the fruit look bag - very cute! Looking forward to having another child some day to make the blanket, bunny, and sweater set!

April 10, 2008

Yay, Caryn! I hope you enjoy your package and thanks for entering the giveaway. Send me an email (see sidebar) with your mailing address and I will send off your gift straight away. I read you already have a copy of itty-bitty nursery but I thought I would send one anyway. Do with it what you'd like! I can't wait to find out where you are from.

Thanks again, sweet knitters, for entering and leaving me love notes. It really was a fun week. Have a beautiful rest of the weekend.
best, susie


  1. What a nice package - congrats, Caryn!

  2. Wowza, what a great package!! Will you be my Valentine?:) Lucky Caryn, but we're all lucky eh, getting your inspiration?! Take care!

  3. Hi, I'm knitting the flower pacifier clip and am a little confused. I don't see a correction for the Petals: cast on 10 and are row's 1-12 really k1 sl1? Or are they knitted stockinette as they appear in the picture?
    please, set me strait if you can lol :)

  4. well done caryn, what a great package to win!

  5. Hi Knitknak,
    You are doing double-knitting. After you complete the 12 rows you form a tube and turn the petal inside out and then it looks like stockinette stitch on the outside. This gives the petal a more three dimensional look. The instructions are correct:)
    good luck,

  6. What a beautiful package, how generous of you! Congrats Caryn. Sounds like Caryn might already have the itty bitty nursery book, maybe she'd like to pass on one her of her two copies to me now! :) LOL I've seen the book and LOVE it!

  7. Congrats Caryn, what fun!! Thanks Susie for running such a fun contest! It was fun to hope.

  8. Congrats to Caryn, and what a great prize Susan. Hope you're enjoying your weekend.

  9. Congrats, Caryn! I am sure you will enjoy your package! :)

    Have a great Sunday!

  10. Wow! almost 300 comments - that's awesome! But I know you have tons of fans out there ;)

    Congrats Caryn!

  11. Congratulations to the winner!

  12. Lucky Caryn! He is absolutely adorable!!


  13. Lucky Caryn! He is absolutely adoarable!!
