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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Good Eggs

Hi Knitters,
Don't you just love this magazine? I got this April 2008 issue of Parents in the mail yesterday.
These egg cozies are my design! I am so excited to be a contributor to this issue of Parents magazine. I have been working with them on several projects over the last 4 or 5 months, some of it involves knitting and some does not. It is all about kids, crafting and playing though. Here is the first project. Can you tell what the egg cozies are made out of?
That's right, the toe of a baby sock. Doesn't everyone have old baby socks or single kid socks around? I do and I thought what a perfect size to fit right over the top of an egg. The directions to make these are included in the magazine and there are couple of other fun egg crafts included in here, too. All of the stuff added on is just simple craft supplies you can get anywhere. I got such a kick out of seeing my name and project in this mag. I have read Parents ever since I had babies of my own. It is a staple.
Here are the little cozies in my studio before flying off to their photo shoot. If you make any of these egg cozies be sure to let me know. I would love to see them!

I have temporarily popped through the knitting bubble. I have already returned safe and sound to the inside again, knitting away, no worries. Those cozies would be cute knitted, right?
best, susie


  1. those are a doorbell! :)

    congrats on the mag contributor status...

  2. Congratulations on being in the magazine! Those are the cutest :D

  3. Those are egg-cellent cozies. What a cute idea, Susan. I feel the same about Parents magazine. So glad you are a contributor, can't wait to see off to find those tiny socks.

  4. Oh my gosh - okay, I'm no parent, but I'm of to go buy a copy! Congrats Susan :)

  5. So so cute - you have an awesome imagination. Well done and congrats on being in the magazine.

  6. Congratulations on being a contributor, Susie! Those are adorable :)

  7. What a sweet project - love them little lambs - aw. Nice job on being a contributor! And Parents is a great magazine!

  8. Oh so cute! Congrats on the publication.

  9. You've hit the big time. How wonderful! And so cute too. Mucho congratulations!

  10. Those are fantastic! Very cute and creative.

  11. I guess I know what I'm buying at the grocery store today! So cute!

  12. Very Cute. Nice idea. You're just becoming so famous!! I can always say that I've met you nad had my picture taken with you!! :)

  13. They are adorable. I went to Barnes N Noble to check it out myself since I don't subscribe to that magazine. I was going to buy it but my boys were getting whiny and cranky and had to leave the store quickly. On pages 112 and 114 of the boy pointing to the US Map, (bowl-type haircut that is wearing rolled up jeans almost like cropped jeans and dark blue plain sneakers.... I know him. :) (an acquaintance's son) Small world, huh?
