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Sunday, December 09, 2007

Right on Target

Hi Knitters,
I woke up this morning and quickly knitted a Target Wave Mitten from Nora Gaughan's beautiful book Knitting Nature. I used Cascade 220 and knitted on US size 5 and 7 needles. I made the largest size and it fits my 8 year old perfectly.
This is how I feel about Target Wave Mittens! On to mitten number 2...
best, susie
p.s. Did you notice that the Utopia Hat, which is an adult size pattern, fits both of my daughter's who are 8 and 11 years old? Most adult size hat patterns will fit most children's heads. It's a good thing to know! You don't always need a pattern for a child size hat for even pretty young children. This opens up a ton of patterns that will work for kids. Most kids have adult size heads.
p.p.s. I added the badge for Knitting Friends on my sidebar. It is fun to see what is happening out there in knitting blogland. I get such a kick when my blog makes the list! This site gets you to read all kinds of blogs that you normally wouldn't visit. When you click on the badge it takes you to the top 15 blogs of the day but make sure you visit the community page (click on community at the top of the page) to see the top 100 blogs of the day. Knitting Friends is a great new resource for knitters! I know I have mentioned this before but I think it is worth another mention.


  1. I love those mittens!

    Just learned about Knitting Friends the other day. Was surprised to find my blog on their list of 100. I never keep track of my stats.

  2. You're so funny..."I woke up this morning and knit an afghan to keep me warm while I made breakfast!" :)

  3. THe mitten on target are so adorable. Interesting about the hat size fititng children. Thanks for the blog finds. Ill check them out
