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Friday, December 14, 2007

Appletini for Two (feet that is)

Hi Knitters,
I finished these up yesterday. Aren't they good? The yarn is from my all-time favorite indie dyer, Jessie, of yarntini fame. If you haven't tried her yarn you are missing out. It is fabulous in so many ways.
The yarn quality is squishy and good. The colors are clear and crisp and beautifully planned out. I always love stripes. I never, ever tire of a good stripe pattern. Every time I got to the pink stripe, it made me happy. Simple pleasures rule.
I started these socks while I was on tour so they carry many, many good memories. I knitted on US size 2 dpns and cast on 64 stitches and worked in k3, p1 rib for the cuff and the top of the foot. I use the most basic sock pattern that is permanently seared into my brain. The one with the heel flap and basic toe decrease. You can find this pattern in lots of places. The book, Getting Started Knitting Socks, by the fantastic Ann Budd, is an excellent book for all sock knitters, not just beginners. This basic sock pattern is in here. Another great sock knitting book that has a ton to offer all levels of sock knitters and edited by Ann Budd (she is my hero!) is Interweave Knits Favorite Socks.
My model was getting ready for school and I made her stop to put on the finished socks. There is something about 8-year-old legs and feet that are so much cuter than 43-year-old legs and feet, not hard to figure. Now she wants them for herself but they are going to someone special so neither of us will get them. That's okay because I still have a few skeins left from my yarntini acquisition this past fall so I'll make her a pair for herself! That appletini colorway is going to be hard to beat.

By the way, I am working on a really fun project right now for Parents magazine and it doesn't involve knitting. Can you believe that? The project does involve my other favorite topic, children. I'll fill you in with more details later. It is pretty darn fun and a little strange to be working on a project without knitting. Parents is a great magazine, I have loved it for years so I am happy to be working for them.

Have a wonderful Friday.

best, susie

p.s. If you are looking for the Alan Dart gnome pattern be sure to look at the comments from the last post to get a link for that. Thanks to Lisa in Colorado for sending that along. Trish also sent this link for the gnome pattern in the Bumper Book. Thanks to Trish. Try these out if you are searching. I didn't check if these are the same links. Thanks for helping out. You readers are the best, so generous.


  1. Those socks are really cute! Can't wait to see what your non-knitting project is! :-)

  2. Isn't Yarntini great! I just love their colorways. You socks look fabulous... have a great weekend.

  3. I LOVE those colors! I just looked, of course it's sold out.

  4. Hi Carrie,
    Jessie at yarntini sometimes takes special orders. You should email her and see if it is possible. You may have to wait awhile to get your yarn but it is worth it.

  5. Love the color of the socks. reminded me that I like Appletinis. Just a few more weeks to go...

  6. Hey, I just clicked over to Knitting Friends - and you (and your daughter's feet!) are NUMBER ONE on the list! I think that is big news! My congratulations to you!

  7. Carla,
    Thanks for telling me that, otherwise I may have missed it.

  8. Love the Appletinis! I found a link for the gnome and I am watching my mailbox now - he is so cute! What an exciting project - can't wait to hear more!

  9. Great socks with a fantastic colorway. Thanks for the link.

  10. Hi Susan, just want to wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and New Year. I have that bumper Simply Knitting book and haven't knit anything from it yet! I would love to try the gnome for next year. I have so much I want to knit in 2008 (inc most of your IB Nursery book!) it's not even funny.
    I love the socks you did. Have you ever knit socks for men? I'm trying to find a pattern that I could do for gifts next year?
    Hugs Denise

  11. I love the colors so much. Normally I find sock yarn colors a bit crazy, but this is just pretty. I also went to her website and discovered it's all sold out. By the way, I just bought Itty Bitty Nursery and Oh My Gosh!! I love everything in it! Thank you so much for creating it!
