Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Hi Knitters,
The Foliage hat is already being worn to school today. You can see the lace pattern more clearly after a light blocking and with a head inside! It is a chilly morning, only in the 40's, a good hat-wearing day, indeed.
I have two quick tour updates for you. The October 2nd Knitting Tree event is being rescheduled to a later date. I'll keep you posted as that gets set.
There is another east coast stop that has been added. On November 12th I will be at the Black Sheep in Needham, MA. I'd like to thank Alison for helping us set that up. More information on that will be coming soon.
Have a good Wednesday.
best, susie
p.s. I will get that picot edging tutorial posted by the end of the week.


  1. Hello,
    That hat is beautiful! I have a question on your Painted Turtle hat from your book. My mother and law and I have both tried to crochet the turtles for the hat and both of us are ending up with the tail in the wrong place. It's coming up 2 stitches behind the leg instead of the middle back of the turtle. Any suggestions on what we could be doing wrong?

    Thank you for your help!

  2. Hi Mandi,
    I just rechecked that pattern and it should work out okay. You can place the tail anywhere so without seeing what you are doing, I would say just move the tail to the spot where it should be. Place the head and feet and then do the chain 4 where the tail should be. That's my best guess for you and I hope it works. It is a cute hat!
    Good luck.

  3. I just returned from *visiting* your book at the store! It's wonderful & I'll definitely be adding this to my soon as dh isn't watching... ;)

    Seriously, though -- your mobile is my absolute favorite; it's exquisite (and at the same time, totally "do-able")!

  4. Just want to say hi :-) thanks for the answer to the nose ?! I haven't started it yet, hopefully will get it finished tomorrow. Can't wait for the picot tutorial.
    So is your book due out on Oct 1st? I preordered from Amazon and it's still showing it won't be delivered to me until at least oct 12 :( I can't wait!
    Love the hats btw.
    Hugs Denise

  5. Denise,
    I think amazon received an early shipment from the Workman warehouse and has already sold through them because now it is back on pre-order.

  6. Well I'm hoping they ship one early to me then, and I'll get a huge surprise pretty soon;)
    I need to update my knitting blog, but I post usually daily at
    I'll have some more hat pics to post soon.

  7. Hi Susan,

    Great hat. I am looking for a pattern for a snowboarding hat for my son. I know you have boys...any suggestions? I am trying to find something to keep myself busy as I wait impatiently for my copy of "Itty Bitty Nursery"! I've had it ordered since June!

    I so enjoy you website. Please keep it up. The Marley Hat topper tutorial was a life saver for me!

  8. Beautiful hat! I musy make one myself ;)
    Have a great weekend :)
