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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Button Up

Hi Knitters,

I finally got around to grouting my button pot. If you missed the last post about this, I made it for my friend from her mother's antique buttons. It still needs a little final cleaning, but the general look is there. I have to go through with something like a toothpick and get in all of the little crevices that are still holding grout remnants. The strings and cloth left stuck in the buttons looks even cooler after the grout. Yeah for mess!

I used a dark grout, almost a charcoal-like color. I wanted the buttons to pop as much as possible and if it had been a white grout, many of the white buttons would have been lost. When I mosaic I just let my hands place things without too much thought. I let things take shape organically. I like mosaics to be messy and crammed full so that every time you look at a piece you see something different or you find a new view.

Now I need to pop a little plant in there or a soothing candle. We'll see.

best, susie

p.s. I started knitting a little stripey elephant today...


  1. Your mosaics are really nifty! I need to try that sometime - I can see that the sky is the limit for making amazing momentos. I can't wait to see your elephant:)

  2. Love the pot. That mosaic is really cool - your friend is going to cherish that!

    I'm very excited to see the elephant you are creating! : )

  3. Yay! you got the links! I knew you could do it...I mean, if I can, anyone can!:)
