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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Peas For Your Trees!

Hi Knitters!

Have you been to Well, you should go there and look at her beautiful felted work, and you should visit her blog! It is filled with her work and some wonderful tutorials. She is a big talent, and she recently signed a book deal with Northern Lights publishing. She lives very close to me, so that is fun. Congratulations to Betz!

Anyway, my knitted Christmas Peas ornaments are inspired by her pea ornament which she made with felted balls and a recycled felted sweater. Really, you have to check Betz's out. I have had a thing for pea pods forever. I have pea pods in my online store on hats and I have a fun take on a pea pod in my new book, which you will have to wait to see. I loved the ornament idea. Pretty much every year I do some sort of knitted ornaments to give away as gifts for the holidays. So the Christmas Peas are it this year! So far I have made five pods and I will do some more. I used a thin piece of silk ribbon for the loop. The pods are about 2 inches long to give you some sense of scale.

I am extra excited that I have figured out how to do a close-up with my camera to give better detail on my photos. I am learning new things every time about photography. I am starting with no knowledge at all, so be patient with me.

It is so beautiful today in Madison. It is sunny and warm-ish for us, maybe 50 degrees. I am heading outside to enjoy this brief reprieve from the cold. Happy Sunday!
best, susie


  1. Yay! Glorious peas! They are adorable...

  2. Oh these are wonderful! So creative to make red peas...I love when a simple little change re-invents the whole project! Betz has some pretty amazing little goodies as well - thank you!
