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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Chicago, Not So Windy City

Hi Knitters!

I've just returned from a 2 day excursion to Chicago. Wow, was that ever crowded! The weather was spectacular, downright warm for this time of year. We visited the Shed Aquarium, the American Girl store, the new Macy's (Marshall Field's) with their beautiful Walnut Room with the enormous tree, the Millenium Park, and the yummy Scoozi's Italian restaurant. They had the best salty topped bread to dip in olive oil, I'm still thinking about it. It was busy, the kids had fun and I am exhausted.

I did, however, manage to squeeze in some excellent knitting along the way, mostly in the car. Madison is about 2 1/2 hours from Chicago, so it isn't too bad of a drive. I worked on a sock, a glove and I worked on the scarf in the photo. It is called My So Called Scarf, and I know it has been all over the internet, but I found out about it from (I know I have to learn how to make those links, but I just haven't yet!). Peaknit is a great story, and she has an adorable blog. She learned how to knit in the shop I used to work at and took one of my classes. She was very much a beginner at the time, about 3 years ago, but I remember her being extremely quick to catch on, and I remember her sweet, and quiet enthusiasm about knitting. Cut to 3 years later, and she shows up at one of my local book signing events, I believe knitting on some Jaywalker socks. I am very good at remembering faces, names-not so much, and I recognized her right away! I have been blown away by her speedy progress with knitting and her involvement in the knitting community. I have been reading her blog ever since, so check it out. She knits great projects and shares her ups and downs along the way, and she has 2 cute daughters.

My So Called Scarf is from and it is made with Manos in the photo. I used size 15 needles, and 2 balls of Rowan Yorkshire Tweed Chunky in a discontinued colorway. Actually when I was in Little Rock for the Knitting for Noggins event, I visited several yarn shops and the Handworks Gallery was one of them. Have you seen the ads for this shop in the knitting mags? The owner poses in her designs, she has very dark hair and wears sunglasses. The last one I saw was her in a geometric wrap/poncho type thing that had circles and squares joined in a lacy configuration. Oh well, if not, it is an interesting little shop with a fun, nice staff, and they have a great online business. The owner actually gave me this yarn, for which I was so surprised! It was a nice little treat and I love this yarn. It is a dark pumpkin colored tweed, and I am a tweed nut. I love it.

I casted on 32 stitches and worked through the 2 balls for about 66 inches in length. It is about 7-8 inches wide. This is an easy 2 row stitch pattern which gives a woven appearance. I will definitely use this again with some other yarn. I think I will keep this scarf for myself, as it is a trip momento.

I need to post an update on the Knitting for Noggins and its amazing progress, and I have finished more Christmas knitting to share! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and a wonderful long weekend.
best, susie

1 comment:

  1. You are too kind to say such nice things about me and my blog - thank you! A very welcome surprise after a long weekend of illness at my house from little ones on up! Thank you for the inspiration that helped me start my knitting journey, it has become such a refuge for me when days are not perfect, and a joy for me to share when they are. Now, I need to knit that So-Called Scarf after seeing yet another amazing example! Take care, Stacey
