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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Great Falls Park & Little Giraffe

Photo Credit: Carrie Bostick Hoge

Hi, Knitters,
I hope you are all doing well. Things are busy and hot and humid around here. I think it is 90 degrees right now and feels like the mid-to-upper 90s with the humidity. But still, despite the heat, I am knitting away on a big sweater called Tecumseh by Caitlin Hunter. I'll share more about it later. 

First, in business, I want to let you know that we have listed more Little Giraffe Kits in the shop on Barrett Wool Co. There are three really sweet colorways available that you will love.

The pattern for the Little Giraffe originally appeared in Making Magazine No. 3 / Dots. We have this magazine in the Mercantile right now and many other Making magazines as well.

Photo Credit: Carrie Bostick Hoge

The Little Giraffe is a little bigger size toy than many that I design. This toy sits at about 10-inches tall. It is such a great size for kids as you can see. The construction is clever, limbs and ears first, and then they are knit right in as you work the head and body. No piecing together of little parts, it's really fool-proof!

All you need to add is a little stuffing, the rest is provided including the eyes and yarn for the mouth.

So my husband and I took a little trip to see my brother and sister-in-law in Virginia last week. They are both going through some health issues so really we were there not only to visit but to help out a bit. It was great to see them and to spend time in their beautiful home. It's such a pretty area.

During one quiet afternoon we drove over to the Great Falls Park for a quick hike. It was truly spectacular and not a difficult hike so it all just seemed very pleasant. The trails were wide and well-kept as it is a busy park. The views were amazing. I recommend this one!

My hiking buddy is a pretty fun guy, always game for a hike or run or walk or bike ride. I love that about him.

Have a great week! I'll be back soon with more. I wish August would slow down a little. I'm not ready for college to start again for my girls...
xo ~ susan

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