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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Through the Eyes

(all photos provided by b. b. anderson)

Hi, Knitters,
I meant to post these photos my son took when we were in Seattle last spring for Vogue Knitting Live but I lost track of them. I found them while sifting through emails which, by the way, I am still trying to catch up on from my horrendous computer issues. The only good thing about going through old emails is that I have stumbled onto a few things that I had forgotten about. My son loves photography and it is really fun to see his take on a city via photos.

For today I will leave you with these wordless photos of Seattle taken through the eyes of my son. I hope you enjoy his view as much as I do. The photos were taken on a film camera and then developed later. 

These photos brought back some really good memories..... what a trip and what a beautiful city.

I hope you are all off to a good start to your week. I am doing tons of work knitting and work knitting only right now. I'll be back soon to share some of my top-notch knitting finds as of late! I'm looking forward to it.
best, susie