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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Through the Eyes

(all photos provided by b. b. anderson)

Hi, Knitters,
I meant to post these photos my son took when we were in Seattle last spring for Vogue Knitting Live but I lost track of them. I found them while sifting through emails which, by the way, I am still trying to catch up on from my horrendous computer issues. The only good thing about going through old emails is that I have stumbled onto a few things that I had forgotten about. My son loves photography and it is really fun to see his take on a city via photos.

For today I will leave you with these wordless photos of Seattle taken through the eyes of my son. I hope you enjoy his view as much as I do. The photos were taken on a film camera and then developed later. 

These photos brought back some really good memories..... what a trip and what a beautiful city.

I hope you are all off to a good start to your week. I am doing tons of work knitting and work knitting only right now. I'll be back soon to share some of my top-notch knitting finds as of late! I'm looking forward to it.
best, susie


  1. I lived in Seattle for 3 years.
    They were the best 3 years of my life. Love it there and am hoping my husband & I will return there soon.

  2. AnonymousJuly 22, 2014

    He has a great eye! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Beautiful pictures and many taken very near where I work on the Seattle waterfront. I feel vey lucky to live in such a great place! Hope you'll come back soon!

  4. He did a wonderful job. I wasn't too take the kids her. My husband grew up here.

  5. AnonymousJuly 23, 2014

    There was something at the Made in Washington store the other day that had a gum wall theme. I can't remember what it was but I was tempted to buy it for you because I remember your stories about visiting it last year. These pictures reminded me of that.

    Becky (gathersnomoss)

  6. I love film photography.
    I love geometric point of view
    Your son's photography scores high on both points

  7. There is something about film photos. I went to school for photography and printmaking and it was heartbreaking to turn to digital. He did a beautiful job capturing the city

  8. so glad you enjoyed your Seattle experience, again! I wish it had been better weather for you and your boys.

  9. AnonymousJuly 23, 2014

    The gum wall!!!! I love Seattle, one of my favorite cities.


  10. OMG that gum on that building!!! GROSS!

  11. Great photos, thank you for posting. Is that a Troll under the bridge?

  12. Okay, I'm almost afraid to ask but what is that stuff all over that wall with the window...the first picture? I love the look of it but what is it? LOL! Great photos...if they were mine I'd frame them all!
    Busy ordering yarn and supplies for this years projects...yes, I'm a planner plus I belong to Ravelry's Come Blog Along group and our YOP(Year of Projects starts July 1st) So, I'm off and running with so many exciting projects including many of yours! A couple more giraffes(I still have to sew together my first one), the girls (Mollie, Milly and ?), and it goes with out saying...socks! I hope you're enjoying your work knitting.

  13. Pretty pictures of a place I would love to visit!

  14. I love the gnome knitting on the tote bag! Reminds me of time I spent in Sweden in college. Great bags!!!!

  15. Like the pic of the Fremont troll!!!
