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Monday, June 30, 2014

News of the Big Kind

Hi, Knitters,
The winners of the two prizes, a copy of the book Up Down All Around, and the steamer (thank you very much!) filled with Infinite Twist mini-cakes of yarn, are..... 

Grannyslove (rav id) ~ won the book!

WordLily (rav id) ~ won the yarn!

Congratulations to both of you. I have contacted the winners via Ravelry. I have stacks of books and other things to review and giveaway so there will be more and soon. 

Well, the last few weeks have been some of the fullest of my life. There has been lots of big news around here, some life-changing. In between graduation for Peachy, college road-trips, graduation party hosting, party attending, TC's birthday, swim meets, loads of yarn, knitting, deadlines, new ventures, and some fireworks, we had some even bigger news. This is the kind of news that tops everything.

Our oldest son got engaged to our Miss Molly!

We are thrilled and blessed by this good news. We love Miss Molly! I might have to change her name to Mrs. Molly after the wedding. I'm sure there will be more to come and share on these two beautiful young people as they start their new life together as an engaged and eventually a young married couple. What a fun and exciting time ahead for all of us.

The other bit of big news is that tomorrow I am celebrating my 25th wedding anniversary with my beloved husband. It seems hard to believe. To look back at our lives and all that's happened and changed and then to see, thank goodness, that so much has stayed the same is all pretty amazing and a bit overwhelming at the same time. It's been a lot of living packed into the last 25 years. The saying that life works in mysterious ways is definitely true. Time works in mysterious ways, sometimes it flies by, sometimes it is like slow-motion. To look around and see all of our children, now young adults, surrounding my husband and me seems nothing short of a miracle. 

There have been many milestones this year for the Anderson family and it all seems to have been crammed into a couple of short months. Isn't that how life goes sometimes? I have said this so many times but I'll say it again. When your kids are little you think things will be so much calmer and easier when they get older. The exact opposite happens. When your kids get older it is busier, bigger, more out of your control, more fun, more difficult, happier, sadder, more serious, more uncertain, more exciting, more emotional.... just more and more of everything. I love all of it and I wouldn't change a thing. Okay, well, maybe I'd change a couple of things, but for the most part I wouldn't change a thing.

Have a lovely week ahead. We have Peachy's birthday this week, the day after the Fourth of July, and she's 18 years old people! When did that happen? This falls into the time flying by category. Why stop now with all of the action around here? 

If it were quiet and calm we wouldn't know what to do with ourselves.  

Here's to some exciting times ahead! I hope you'll join me.

best, susie