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Monday, August 11, 2014

Northwoods Version: Susan B. Anderson Podcast Episode 9

Hi, Knitters,
Yesterday I uploaded the wrong file (it was waaaay too big) for the iTunes/podcatcher watchers out there. Please delete the episode and upload again. I apologize for any inconvenience. It is corrected now. If you are interested in watching/subscribing through iTunes click here for more information.

For email subscribers you can watch the video right here on YouTube: click here!

Now for the blog post!

I am back from vacation with my family. Last week we spent some fantastic family-time in northern Wisconsin in a not-so-rustic log cabin nestled on a lake called Lower Twin Lakes near Hayward, Wisconsin. The weather was beautiful, the setting was gorgeous, the lake was smooth, the mosquitoes were  aggressive, the food was very northern Wisconsin-like, and fun was had by all.

One morning I took the camera down to the pier and filmed a podcast for about 20 minutes. Listed below are the links for the things I talk about in the episode.

Miss Molly's Projects:
Louise Cardigan by Carrie Bostick Hoge
Osprey yarn by Quince & Co.
Knitter's Pride interchangeable wooden needles
Knit Picks Felici sock yarn in the Spooky colorway (yarn is discontinued)
Signature Needles US size 2 dpns, 6-inch

My projects:
Upcoming shawl design:
Infinite Twist Helix yarn in the Clear Water colorway
Signature Needles, 24-inch circular US 7s

Quaere Fibres socks in the Patchwork colorway
Signature Needles US size 1 dpns, 6-inch

A Homemade Life by Molly Wizenberg
Delancey by Molly Wizenberg
How to Catch a Frog by Heather Ross

Scoop by Jeff Miller
West's Hayward Dairy

Here are some photos from the trip for you to enjoy!

Tipped canoe!

It feels good to go away and then good to be home! Back to work for me and back to sports and school for the kids. There are lots of getting ready for school type things going on right now, lots of hustle and bustle.

I hope you are all having a wonderful August.

I'll be back soon with more.
xo, susan


  1. Hell's bells! We used to go to Blueberry Lake up by Hayward when my 30-40 year old children were little but we never stayed in a cabin like that....ours was the truly rustic type. LOL! I haven't watched your podcast yet as I watch them via Roku in my bed at night on my widescreen t.v.
    I love the books and I would love any of those signature needles...they are stunning.
    I'm knitting my first shawl (Kay's Tess D'Uberville free on Ravelry)and loving it and I just cast on Millie but can't afford those Quince yarns. They really should have made up small skeins for the doll making....not that I don't love their yarns but we'll see how I do with Knit Picks wool and then if I really love making them maybe I'll switch. I had to buy yarns to start the Christmas gifts so you see my!
    Did you buy any fudge in Hayward? They used to be famous for their fudge and pulled taffy I think, or was that Lake Geneva? It was along time ago.
    Glad you had a good time! I need to get back and finish my giraffes too. Oh, I finished my first sock in the Candy color from Cakewalk yarns that are no it but please say a prayer that I have enough for a second sock! I'm scared to go weigh them. Ha! Ha! I've had company so I have to go catch up with your posts. TTYL!

  2. That was so nice! I miss the North Woods and the being on the lake!

  3. What a lovely post, Susan.
    Am having my first cup of coffee enjoying the tranquillity of your podcast.
    What a delightful start to my day.
    Loved my ride-along with your canoe ride

  4. Thank you for sharing your lovely vacation -- xxH

  5. I loved the podcast as it all looked so peaceful and a very special place - thank you.

  6. Thank you for the lovely podcast episode. It all looked so peaceful and a super place to just relax.

  7. I loved your podcast! We live in a log cabin in northern MN on a lake. It's our happy place. I know you are a big fan of Signature DPNs. I typically use the Lantern Moon rosewood DPNs for socks. My hands stay warm when I use them. For circulars I use Addi Turbos. I cannot find a retailer that sells Signatures in the upper Midwest. I would like to try them before I buy them since they are an investment. Would it be possible for you to do a blog post review of Signature needles??

  8. Wow what a beautiful location. It reminds me of our family cabin in the upper peninsula of Michigan.
