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Friday, November 08, 2013

Made in America Yarns Giveaway!

Edited to Add: Made in America Yarns is in booth #210 right now at Stitches East! Beck will be there all weekend. If you are at Stitches, please stop by the Made in America Yarns booth and say hello from me. While you're there give the yarn a good squish. You won't be able to resist bringing some home with you!

Hi, Knitters,
I have a fantastic opportunity for you to win some homegrown yarn today. Last June at TNNA I was lucky enough to be introduced to Beck Gusler. Beck is the sister of the fabulous Laura Linneman of the Knit Girllls and part of a wonderful family filled with fiber artists so she has been well-versed in yarns all of her life. I had the opportunity to have Beck in one of my classes at SSK and to sit next to her at dinner last summer. She is so excited about her new career path, it just pours out of her. Beck recently landed a job at a really cool American-based yarn company located in Philadelphia called, Made in America Yarns. At TNNA Beck was working in the Made in America Yarns' booth and gave me the two sample balls you see in the photo above. I was interested in this American yarn company and really liked the yarns she gave me.

Here is a blurb straight from the website about the company and mill in Philadelphia:

At Made in America Yarns, all of our yarns are spun, twisted and dyed at our mill in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Our yarns are designed and manufactured at Huntingdon Yarn Mill in the Port Richmond section of Philadelphia. Our mill has been in operation since 1940, and many of our employees are second- and third-generation workers. We are deeply rooted in our community and dedicated to keeping jobs in the USA.

Beck asked if I would be interested in reviewing and hosting a yarn giveaway on my blog. I jumped at the chance. I didn't know of this wonderful company before and there is a chance that you may not have heard of Made in America Yarns either. 

Beck sent me two regular-sized hanks of Made in America Yarns to enjoy and review. The first is this lofty, fluffy hank of American Lamb (shown in the photo above). Oh, to give this yarn a squish! You would be sold immediately. American Lamb is 100% wool and 146 yards in bulky weight. My hank is in the Delft Blue colorway. On a recommended US size 10 needle you get about 14 stitches for 4-inches in stockinette stitch. The yarn has a textured appearance due to the finer thread that is plied with the loftier ply of the wool. I love this style of yarn! It is super fun to knit and creates a great fabric. 

I will be casting on a hat with my hank of Delft Blue American Lamb. I'm not sure what pattern but possibly something like this, or this, or this, or most likely this (these are all free patterns!). I will be making a pom-pom with the smaller sample hanks I received at TNNA. It will be super cute and I'll keep you posted on my progress.

The other squishy, soft hank of yarn I was sent to review is this gorgeous bulky-weight cotton, called FloraFil. My hank is in the deep, rich Chocolate Lily colorway. I love it. You want to sink right in and stay awhile. This yarn is 97% cotton and 3% nylon (the plying thread is the nylon). This is a lofty and textured cotton that comes in 125 yard hanks. 

One thing you might be surprised about is the number of times I am asked to recommend a cotton yarn for people who are allergic or want an alternative to wool. I struggle coming up with great recommendations especially when asked about a heavy worsted or bulky weight cotton yarn. Well now my problem is solved. I LOVE this bulky weight cotton. There are so many things you could knit with this yarn, especially for babies. Many people want to knit in cotton for babies and I totally get that. FloraFil is so soft and wouldn't irritate a baby's skin at all. Plus it is machine wash safe, a big bonus for baby knitting, especially when knitting gifts for non-knitters.

Think about little hats, sweaters, washcloths, blankets, booties, toys, buntings..... it would all be beautiful and would work up incredibly fast on US size 10 needles at 14 stitches per inch in stockinette stitch. Adults could make great use of this yarn, too!

Today I am thrilled to be able to offer you a fantastic yarn giveaway thanks to Made in America Yarns and to Beck! Thank you for the chance.

I am going to randomly select two winners in a couple of days. Each winner will get one hank of Made in America Yarns, one cotton FloraFil and the other American Lamb wool in your color of choice (click here and here to see the colors). These are beautifully crafted American-made yarns. I can't wait for you to check out the site and to get some of this yarn in your hands and on your needles. Let's support this unique company together.

Please leave one comment and specify if you would like a hank of the cotton FloraFil or the wool American Lamb and which colorway you would like. Please leave an email address or your Ravelry ID so I can easily get in touch with you if you win. I will gather your mailing address and pass it on to Beck to mail out your yarn directly. Please be patient for your comment to appear, it takes some time, and please don't comment more than once.

Good luck and let the comments begin!
best, susie
p.s. I have found two things to be true: I love styling yarn for photos and I want to be a yarn stylist. Does this exist as a career-path? (I am sort of kidding but not.)


  1. Oooh -- I live right here (OK, 5 miles outside Philadelphia) and did not know about this yarn. I am excited! American Lamb, color wine glass, would be my choice. Figners crossed. . . and it's so hard to knit that way.

  2. What a great giveaway! I would love to win a hank of American Lamb Wool in the Delft Blue colorway.

  3. I love the pumpkin, granite, brownie....oh the choices. Love the pics of the Dane county MKT. We live about an hour from there it is a great day trip.

  4. You would make a great yarn stylist! I try to emulate your photos because you do such a great job! What a great find this yarn company is! I love supporting things made in the USA! The lamb in grape juice would make a fun hat! Thanks for a great giveaway!

    Xoxo... Kristebee

  5. Wow, so close to home. Definitely need to check out more of their yarn. I would love to win the cotton in Green Chrysanthemum.

  6. I love learning about various yarn producers. I love the look of them both and I would choose Fiberfil in coral hibiscus or American Lamb in wine glass. RAV: Tanknit

  7. I would choose the cotton FloraFil in the Aster color way!

  8. I always struggle with finding a bulky yarn, so hope to be able to try this one. A+ll of the colors are great, but I'm drawn to "Pink Elephant" in the wool.

    Zowmom on ravelry

  9. So exciting to learn about new American-made yarn! I would love to try out either! American Lamb in Pumpkin Spice and Florafil in Green Crysthamum. Rav ID: sewknittystar

  10. This Philly girl loves it. Would love wool Rainy Day!!!

  11. would love to try this yarn, the wool in grape juice would be my choice.

  12. Love them both so much, hard decision. These look fabulous! I'm really drawn to the American Lamb in wine glass, though. Love love love it all!
    Pattytrish on RAVELRY.

  13. That's terrific to see yarn made in the USA. If I won, I'd like the American Lamb Wool in Granite, pls.

  14. Thanks for bringing this yarn to my attention! Wool in Delft Blue is dreamy :)

    RAVID: SuzannahJane

  15. I love the yarns! Great to see USA products as will. I really like the pumpkin or the natural or curry!! jillpickle on rav

  16. Would love to win this for my niece who is having her first baby in January. And I love that it is "made in America">

  17. What a lovely new addition to our American made yarns! I love when we get the opportunity to shop local, supporting more home grown wool!
    The cotton looks SO gorgeous, I actually think the natural shade is my favorite! I'm making a hat in natural wool right now though so I may be colorfully biased ;)

  18. I'd love to win a skein of the American Lamb Wool in Grape Juice! Love that bulky, squishy yarn!!!

    Rav ID: ShelleyB63

  19. I love the American Lamb in Pumpkin Spice!
    waldeckdrygoods on Ravelry

  20. Yes! I've got a boy in need of a warm hat! I would definitely put this to work!

  21. What a nice company :) I would love to have either yarn. In the American Lamb, I love the Rainy Day and in FloraFil, I like the Blue Cornflower :) My Rav id is showandtellmeg
    Thanks for introducing such a great company :)

  22. I want all the colors of American Lamb, but I really love the Wine Glass colorway. Absolutely gorgeous!

    Mandy (mrsmcelrath on Rav)

  23. Beautiful! I would love the wool in Cotton Candy! Perfect for my pink-loving little girl.

    eowyn1220 (at) Comcast (dot) net

  24. I would love to try that FloraFill in the red hibiscus colorway.

    I will be checking out their website no matter what. I love to support new homegrown businesses!

    Rav ID: Keatime

  25. Florafil in Coral Hibiscus.

    Rav: zbyszkoknits

  26. lovely! American Lamb in Grape Juice please! maybaby23 on Rav

  27. It's always nice to have different options for cotton!

    I would love either the FloraFil or the American Lamb.

    If I won the FloraFil I'd love the Navy Bell Flower.

    And the American Lamb I love the Delft Blue or the Rainy Day (LE). :)

    Thanks for the info on a new yarn. :)

    raelynne01 on Rav

  28. Susie, I really respect the way you promote great yarn companies ;-)
    I would love a hank of the lambs wool in pink elephant to be sure!!! for a pompom hat for my 18 year old daughter!

  29. I would love to win the American Lamb, color way: cotton candy LE

    I used to live in Brookfield, CT but wasn't knitting at that time. Too bad because I would have loved to see in person how this yarn is made.

    Ravelry ID: knityid

  30. Oooo! I have just learned that the baby my sister in law is growing inside of her this very moment is going to be a girl variety. I think the Coral Hibiscus colorway in the cotton needs to come to me and turn into something beautiful for my new little niece! Thank you for the chance!! This yarn looks scrumptious!

    Rav: nancy88

  31. It looks so squishy! I would particularly love to try the Florafil in Meadow - what beautiful bright colors! Andi

  32. Would love that american Lamb in Granite. Im plannong on my next sweater being made in a bulky weight and this looks beautiful

    Ravelry: nmm333

  33. I'd love the American Lamb in "Wine Glass." The colors are spectacular!

    I'm vernalequinox on Ravelry.

  34. Thrilled to see yarn from the USA!! I love the Indian Paint Brush colorway and would choose cotton (I live in Florida and our winters have been so mild it is very hard to wear anything made in wool).

  35. I would love a skein of American Lamb in Brownies. What a great company.

  36. how wonderful to have a new American made yarn to play with! It looks so soft and huggable
    Ravelry: Kally

  37. I usually go for solids and semi-solids, but that Pumpkin Spice in the American Lamb yarn is gorgeous! Thanks for introducing me to this awesome US product!

    I'm chavahsdaughter on Ravelry.

  38. Love the ideas, love the gorgeous yarns! :) PamD
    (pamelajd on Rav)

  39. What fun! I love the American Lamb. I really like the Light Fog, but Wine Glass is my second choice.
    ravelry id is Kat1e

  40. I love Made in America. I wish more companies and people, actually, would get on board with it. I would love to win a skein of the wool lamb yarn. It does look quite lovely. Savannagal on Rav.

  41. Oooo! Love American yarns, the pumpkin spice looks great....Pat

  42. I would love to win a skein of American Lamb in Black Onyx, it would make a great hat.

  43. I'm a wool girl through and through! I think the lambswool looks perfect for a big cozy hat :)

    madtownmama on rav

  44. Ooh. I'm liking the American Lamb in the Pumpking colorway. Thanks for the chance to win.

  45. I'd love to win the FloraFil in chocolate lily. I hardly ever use cotton but would love to try it. Thank you!

  46. Love buying 'North American' made. And I used to live in Delaware, right around the corner! Hopefully being Canadian now won't hurt. My favorites are the American Lamb in Pumpkin Spice or the Florafil in Meadow. If I win, I'd like the Florfil I think!

    (TriMomma at Ravelry)

  47. k_purls2@yahoo.comNovember 08, 2013

    Oh wow the wool in wine glass would be lovely. It reminds me of all of the beautiful fall foliage.

  48. I would love to give the American Lamb a try in the Grape Juice colour. My two little girls are loving purple right now. I need to make them a hat or something. Thanks.
    My Rav ID is SuperSolviej

  49. I would like the Florafil in Aster.

    thank you so much.

  50. Thank you for a great review! I've often wondered about replacing wool yarn with cotton, especially since we live in a warm climate. My choice if I win would be cotton in the meadow colorway.

    mamamustknit on Ravelry

  51. What beautiful yarn colors! Thank you for sharing this company. So much beautiful yarn on the market, not enough time. I like the brownies colorway of the American Lamb. My guys would love warm hats in brown colors.

  52. Oh, my! I need to have my LYS carry this line. Perhaps I could win the American Lamb in Granite. I also see some American yarns are needed for your Itty-Bitty Hats! Ravelry: KnitsSewsReads

  53. They both look like lovely squishy yarns. I would choose the Florafil in Helenium Mardi Gras - I can see a sweet baby hat in this colour. (rav id knitnspin)

  54. I'd like American Lamb in Rainy Day. So pretty.
    wahoomerryf on Rav

  55. The colors are gorgeous. I wouldn't mind trying American Lamb Wool in the Pumpkin colorway. Thank you for the opportunity.

    rav: sharonathemom

  56. MrsCampbell on RavelryNovember 08, 2013

    I would love to try the American Lamb...the colors are all so lovely...too hard to pick just one!

  57. Hi; Thanks for introducing us to another fun yarn. I will definitely try the cotton. Love hearing about a mill that has been around so long. And your photos are great:)
    Pam K. Ravid=pamk

  58. I am attempting to make toys for my three kids for the holidays this year. The Florafil in Helenium Mardi Gras would be perfect for a giraffe. :)

    ravid = mehacker

  59. grape juice pumpkin and rainy day are delightful berrygal ravID

  60. Oh, the American Lamb Wool please. That looks delightful!

  61. American Lamb Wool in Pink Elephant. My granddaughter would feel so special in a new hat...& it would look great with her coat.

  62. oooh!!! I would love the American Lamb wool and my 2 year old grand daughter helped me pick out the cotton candy pink!! ;)

  63. I would love a chance to win the wool.

    Becky (gathersnomoss)

  64. Oh, I'd have to go with American Lamb in Cotton Candy. I LOVE that this is all done in the US! alcbrooks on Ravelry

  65. I'd love to win American lamb in the purple grape juice color
    I'm Patternwhisperer on ravelry

  66. OHHHHH I love the American Lamb in Wine Glass!! Thanks you for introducing me to this company!

  67. Oooh! These two yarns look and sound so wonderful; I want to touch them! My pick would be the florafil in Green Chrysanthemum. Thank you! ravid melliebird

  68. Oh Phila is just a drive over the Ben Franklin Bridge.I love the Indian Paintbrush in Cotton & Olive in wool.The yarn labels are nice & bright too.

  69. Decisions, decisions! Very difficult Susan ;-) I think I'd have to go with American Lamb in either Wine Glass or Grape Juice! Thanks for the chance to win.

    Rav ID: smozerose

  70. Always looking for a good cotton yarn... the Indian Paintbrush colorway is perfect!
    bethski on rav

  71. American lamb wool in wine glass!
    Rav ID. triciaknitz

  72. I'd love to try the American Lamb in Pumpkin Spice.... looks as yummy as my favourite tea by the same name!

  73. I would love a skein of American Lamb in Pumpkin Spice.... I think it would be as yummy as the tea I drink with the same name.

  74. I'd love the American Lamb in pumpkin. I'm houndiesmom on Rav.

  75. American Lamb in wineglass!

  76. American Lamb in wineglass!

  77. I would love cotton FloraFil in red hibiscus please! coutrem on rav.

  78. Those do look like deliciously squishy yarns! I think I'm partial to the wool. I'm at kimberlywiggin (at) sbcglobal (dot)net. Thanks for the review and giveaway.

  79. This non-wool knitter would love the florafil in the chocolate lily colorist. It would go great with my orange jacket.

    Ravelry id: neknitsandbeads

  80. How fun! Both yarns look so squishy and the olors are delicious. I think you already are a stylist. I would love to knit a hat using American Lamb in the Rainy Day LE color way.

    Ravelry: BigBaby

  81. I'd love a skein of American Lamb in Blue Moon. So pretty.

    Ravelry name: mndorothy

  82. I would love the American Lamb in the pumpkin colorway. Beautiful!

  83. Oops that last one was me jenboh on ravelry.

  84. FloraFil Aster pretty please!

  85. I almost didn't enter because it is so hard to pick one. I guess I'd go for American Lamb in Grape Juice.

    Or, any other color in either fiber. All are fabulous!

    Linda in Chicagoland
    Rav id: pawsandknit

  86. Florafil in Chocolate Lily is my fav!

  87. Love american made products! I like the American lamb and I love the cotton candy color.

    Rav ID: moniquew

  88. ya know, I'm an "EARTH GIRL" - I'm *easy*! So's my *SUPER-STASH*! :-D
    WHATEVER They want to get rid of, no prob. I'm good! -- Besides, it's difficult to decide... The colour saturation looks great on all of them!

  89. I am loving the American Lamb. The Delft Blue is up my alley. Hoping to get a chance to give it a squeeze.

    Rav ID. Knitty48

  90. I am loving the American Lamb. The Delft Blue is up my alley. Hoping to get a chance to give it a squeeze.

    Rav ID. Knitty48

  91. I would love to win the American Lamb in the Pumpkin colorway. All the colors look scrumptious!

  92. Gorgeous yarns! I would love American Lamb in Pumpkin!!
    MaryBeth143 on Rav

  93. Gorgeous yarns!! American Lamb in Pumpkin is my favorite!
    Rav ID: MaryBeth143


  94. I love the florafil in Navy Bell Flower and the American Lamb in Olive Jar! Thanks for hosting another great giveaway.

    I do believe you have created the term yarn stylist and therefore you get to decide it's real world application. :)

    Christine -zoeynicole

  95. Wow they both look great but if I have to chose it is American Lamb Wool in Pumpkin Spice. Thank you for the give away!

    Rav ID: Acornknitster

  96. Yum! I'd like to try the Florafil Super Soft Cotton in Green Chrysanthemum. Thanks for the giveaway!

  97. I'd love to win a Florafil Green Chrysanthemum. It would make nice gifts for winter. I love bulky yarn too! Thanks for the giveaway!
    smflde @ravelry

  98. Oh, love the American Lamb in the Pumpkin colorway! Thanks for hosting another fab giveaway!

    cehermanator on Rav

  99. I have been staring at this yarn for months now! I would go for the American Lamb Wool in Delft, I think! Thanks for the giveaway! Rav ID: MissJR

  100. Ooh, I love that deep blue wool yarn. That would be my choice.

    Rav ID: craftysbs

  101. I would love to try American Lamb in Delft Blue. Thanks!

  102. I'd love to try the American Lamb in the pumpkin or the Delft Blue. Beauttiful.

  103. Who doesn't love free yarn??? I like the American Lamb in the Granite colourway

  104. They are both beautiful. I'd love the Florafil Cotton in Blue Cornflower.

  105. I would choose Pumpkin Spice LE in the American Lamb. MissingRib2 is my Ravelry ID.

  106. I would love to try the Florafil, I've used cotton for some projects and love how it blocks. I love the Helenium Mardi Gras colorway. ravID: mradford.

  107. I would love the American Lamb in Wine Glass! Such a beautiful selection of colors, it was hard to pick just one!

  108. They're all so beautiful! The yellow cinquefoil in the FloraFil cotton is just calling my name though. Sockmonkey628 on Ravelry..

  109. The florafil cotton would be perfect in the chocolate lily. I'm doing a charity project(s) for stitches from the heart with my friends and were making tons of little baby stuff.

  110. The florafil Colton would be perfect in the chocolate lily. I'm doing a charity project(s) for stitches from the heart with my friends and were making tons of little baby stuff.

  111. Very excited to learn about the bulky cotton yarn! It would make great gift giving for my knitting friend who is allergic to wool (oh the horror!) or for cute hats for my baby daughter. I would love to win the Florafil in Coral Hibiscus! My Ravelry ID is jasiderius.

  112. Drawn to the FloraFil in the Indian Paintbrush

    Rav ID. SuuzzeeQ

  113. It's so hard to choose but I love the Wine Glass color in American Lamb.

  114. How sweet! I really like all of the colors but would be happy with granite, it looks so soft and springy. Let's keep on supporting our brothers and sisters in America, it is truly the right thing to do.

  115. They are wonderful but I would choose the American Lamb in Pumpkin Spice. Gorgeous.

  116. I would LOVE American Yarn in Delft Blue. Gorgeous!

  117. Both look wonderful. I would choose American Lamb in Pink Elephant.

  118. Both look wonderful. I would choose American Lamb in Pink Elephant.

  119. Ohhh, Wine Glass or Curry powder or Pumpkin - they are so great!!!rav ID fenci

  120. Natural Cotton - in since I live in a warm climate. :-)
    ravid: kammber

  121. Wow!

    I would love the American wool in pink elephant! DD needs a neck warmer and this is her favorite color... mmm... ;)

    RavID: taffywduck

  122. Gosh, a chance to win AND be picky...I'd love any of the colors but would have to say my favorite is the American Lamb in delft blue or the Florafil in chocolate lily. Thanks for the opportunity!

  123. American Lamb in Pumpkin Spice. sparky136 on Ralvery

  124. Beautiful yarn! Thanks so much for the fun giveaway! I love the American Lamb in Grape Juice.

    katbetty on Ravelry

  125. Amanda PhyskNovember 09, 2013

    I have a little baby girl who would LOVE something knit in the cotton! Thanks for such a great giveaway!!

  126. I'm a big fan of cotton but I would love to try the American Lamb in pumpkin spice.
    Ravelry ID-Margostitches

  127. I would love to have Indian Paintbrush in Florafil--probably would make a cozy hat as wool usually is so itchy on my face. Love the look of both yarns-- the texture and colors!

  128. These yarns look sooooo soft. I'll bet they are wonderful to knit up. I love the curry powder American Lamb yarn.

  129. would love the wool in 'wine glass' color. Both are gorgeous though.
    Very happy to know about the downloads of your books too!

    ravelry id spdfish

  130. Love the American Lamb in granite. Perfect for a cowl that would stand up to MN winter winds!
    Ravelry: knitscribe

  131. I would love to try the cotton chocolate lily. My only experience with cotton is with dishcloth yarn. Email-

  132. How wonderful that a mill that old is making such lovely yarn. I would be thrilled to knit on this scrumptious looking yarn. Flautist on ravekry

  133. I love both yarns but am drawn to American Lamb in Granite and I love the Squish-Squash cable hat pattern as a means to use it up! Thank you

  134. l
    et's be silly with chocolate Lily.

  135. The colors are too gorgeous to pick just one. I would love Floralil in Aster. Yarn stylist sounds like a fun job.

  136. I'd love to try American lamb in pumpkin. I like to support USA yarn companies.

  137. Beautiful yarn Susie - love the purple and blue, even knitted together in a cowl...

  138. I would love to try American lamb in pumpkin. supporting these local businesses is so important!

  139. Such beautiful yarn. I would be so pleased to win American Lamb in Wine Glass color. What a treat!

  140. I would love either yarn but would most likely knit something for my new grandson so the cotton in a blue would be perfect. My email is Thanks and stay warm!

  141. Gorgeous yarn! I'd choose the Florafil in Coral Hibiscus--yummy!

  142. I love that this is an American made yarn company. I would like the American Lamb Wool in the Wine Glass colorway. Rav ID:whitsknits

  143. I would choose the American Lamb in the Cotton Candy LE colorway to knit a hat for my granddaughter! Thanks so much for offering this chance to win!
    Rav ID: sueites

  144. I am in love with the American Lamb! How I wish my iPad had "scratch &sniff" (or in this case, "touch & squish")!

  145. I guess my first comment didn't post as I wasn't signed in yet! Oops! Anyway, I would choose the American Lamb Cotton Candy LE to knit a hat for my granddaughter! Thank you for this chance to win yarn! Their yarns look yummy!!!
    Rav: sueites

  146. I would be thankful for any yarn, any color. I have 3 grandkids! nana3H (Rav id) Thanks Susie.

  147. I would love any yarn, any color. I have 3 grandkids. nana3H (rav id) Thanks Susie.

  148. If you became a yarn stylist we would miss your designs. So part time only please. I hope to find this yarn in our local stores it sounds lovely.

  149. I would love to receive the American Lamb Wool in the pumpkin.

  150. Yarn-styling sounds like fun -- I love color! I'd knit some Christmas ornaments if I win... can't wait to hear!

  151. I would love to try out the Florafil cotton in the Hyacinth colorway! It looks so yummy on my computer screen.

    Lisa, lleavid on Ravelry

  152. American Lamb would be great in Pink Elephant. Or Granite...

  153. I live in Southern California and cotton is much cooler to wear for knitted garments. Thanks for offering this give a way. Karen

  154. So pretty. I'd love the American Lamb in 'Rainy Day.' If anyone can add yarn stylist to their resume, it'd be you.

    ravelry ID: sylviefox

  155. American Lamb- Pumpkin. Beautiful yarns!
    Rav - Danart

  156. Good Morning, Susan! Thanks for another fabulous introduction to great yarn!! I've been looking at the Picholine Hat pattern by Jocelyn Tunney(it's a free one too) on Ravelry, and the American Lamb in Granite would be just the ticket to make it happen. Thanks!
    Peggity on Ravelry

  157. I would love the cotton in lady's mantel thanks beautiful. Yarn!

  158. Would love the cotton in cornflower blue. Love that this Made in America.

  159. I have been looking for the perfect cotton yarn and florafil fills the bill. The colours are breathtaking and if I win I would love to have a skein of blue hyacinth. And if I don't win I will surely be ordering some of that luscious yarn with the beautiful colours and beautiful names.

  160. Such gorgeous yarn! I love the American Lamb in Rainy Day.
    lindarumsey on Ravelry

  161. I think the Navy Bell is pretty. I think I would like to try the Florafil base. Beck is a great gal so are you !!

  162. I would love to win the Cotton in Meadow.

    kathyg on Rav

  163. I'm so thrilled to see some yarn production coming back to our own mills!!! I'd love to try either, but since you said to choose one, I would go with the American Lamb in the pumpkin spice colorway! How seasonal is that.

    thanks for organizing the giveaways.

  164. Thanks for sharing another American company! American Lamb in Blue Moon is my pick. Rav ID: happyjeske

  165. What a lovely giveaway opportunity! I'd love the Pumpkin Spice colorway in American Lamb--beautiful fall colors!

  166. The cotton in "green chrysanthemum".
    Rav: Csbrown

  167. Both yarns look beautiful. I would love the American lamb in the wine glass colorway, it looks so rich.

  168. Oh my ! I would love a hank of American Lamb Wool in any colour to make a hat!
    Thank you for yet another great give away!

    Luvsknittin on Ravelry

  169. This comment has been removed by the author.

  170. The FloraFil in Red Hibiscus would be my choice - thank you!


  171. Linda (NinnaNH on Ravelry)November 09, 2013

    I grew up in the Roxborough section of Philadelphia. I love to support local companies. I did not know of America Yarns until now. Many thanks to you and America Yarns for the giveaway. I would love a skein of American Lamb wool in the wine glass colorway.
    Go Philly! Go Eagles! Go Flyers!

  172. Ooo cotton sounds divine!

    Bethany -rav id: twiglee

  173. I would love the Wool American Lamb in pumpkin spice

  174. This comment has been removed by the author.

  175. What sensational colors! I would love FloraFil Meadow...reminds me of a happy summer day.
    bdgrammy on ravelry

  176. They all look so lovely. If I get to pick, I'll choose American Lamb in Rainy Day!! Rav ID is annealden

  177. Oh My My!!! I absolutely love white cotton!!! I would love to get my hands on a skein of Florafil in Natural Cotton...

    Kreidawh on Ravelry

  178. Being from Alaska...I would definitely choose the wool! The Delft color looks amazing. I'm sure I could pair that with a white and make a great snowflake hat!!!
    This looks like a fun yarn to try out. I love that it is an American company!
    Carolyn (crazy8mom on Ravelry)

  179. I would love the American Lamb! It looks gorgeous!
    Massgirlinsocal on Ravelry

  180. Wow I love the Cotton Candy LE in the American Lamb is such a great and fun color! I love the idea of the first or last hat in that line. I have lots of grandkids I could knit a hat. I love it when yarns are made in American and love to support companies that do so. Thanks for the opportunity and have a great long weekend!

    My Ravelry is: LauraT or
    lauratawney7 at gmail dot com

  181. Susan, I think you would be great at whatever you chose to do! Love your blog. Thanks for this giveaway. I would love to win the American Lamb skein in the Granite color way.

    RAV ID: WinnythePu

  182. The American Lamb looks so squishy... my fave shade is Delft Blue.
    Thanks for the give-away!!

    Rav-ID: ItWasJudith

  183. Wouldn't the American Lamb in the Pumpkin Spice LE colorway make a great hat!

  184. I would love the Florafil in Pink Coneflower to make their Baby Beret for my expected granddaughter.

    madammarple Rav id

  185. I would absolutely love to try the Aster colorway in the cotton. I make baby hats for the hospital, the softer, the better. All of them have been from your books & have brought big smiles from the staff. I always have some on hand for new additions to our family and keep updating them as they grow.

  186. Wow! Gorgeous yarn!

    I love the American Lamb in pumpkin spice :)

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway.

  187. I'm all about the Grape Jelly in American Lamb Wool. I had already purchased from Made in America Yarn. It's so nice to know I was supporting Beck and didn't even know it! (I deleted my other comment and redid it with my Rav ID, not that you couldn't have figured that out ;)

    Rav ID: TeresaRRoberts

  188. Oh, the Florafil Navy Bellflower would make a squishy adorable hat for my little one! Thank you for hosting this giveaway!

  189. I would love to try out the blue cornflower in the cotton base. I bet you could create a job styling yarn if such a one does not exist. You would be great.

  190. I would love the American Lamb Wool in Pumpkin colorway. Thanks for bringing them to my attention. They have some really great colors! (

  191. Love the american lamb wool. Lovely to look at and can' wait to squish it. Color favorites are pumpkin and natural.
    Skibum on ravelry

  192. The colors are beautiful, but I like the delft blue in the wool - beautiful!

  193. I would love the wool in the cotton candy colorway. <3
    Ravelry: carabou22

  194. Wow! The Made in America Yarns are gorgeous. I especially like the sheen of the cotton, but both the cotton and wool are lovely. My favorite colorway in the cotton is "Helenium Mardi Gras". The "Pumpkin Spice" wool colorway is what I'm in the mood for this fall season. My Ravelry ID is:
    KimmyZ Thanks for introducing me to this fabulous made in USA yarn!

  195. Since I'm not able to see their colors, something seems wrong with their website right now. I will take whatever looks the prettiest, something in pink or purple in the cotton.

  196. I would pick American Lamb in Rainy Day or Granite.

    Knitterlydesigns on Rav

  197. Oh my so pretty!
    I love the rainy day LE.!! ( Am. Lamb wool)
    A pretty hat would be in order I think.
    Rav. Deniseinchina

  198. Oh my so pretty!
    I love the rainy day LE.!! ( Am. Lamb wool)
    A pretty hat would be in order I think.
    Rav. Deniseinchina

  199. I always love to purchase 'American Made' products.....thanks for the introduction to this yarn...cotton has always been a favorite of mine. Thanks for the opportunity ! :0)

  200. Love local home grown products. I use alpaca from a farm less than a mile away. Would love to try the lamb in pumpkin. Thanks!

    Love2read-rav id
