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Friday, January 25, 2013

Annabel Cardigan Story

Hi, Knitters,
Well, I have a new cardigan. Finishing a handknit garment is fun and satisfying every time. I always think about how you start a knitting project with simple sticks and string and you end up with something amazing. That's what knitting really is, amazing. I am in love with this sweet little garter stitch cardigan. You might like to knit one, too.

Here is the information on my wonderful new cardigan:
Pattern: Annabel by Carrie Bostick Hoge  
This is a wonderfully written pattern, very clear and easy instructions.

Level of difficulty: First time sweater perfection! Millionth time sweater perfection! Fun, simple and fast for everyone.

Yarn: Malabrigo Twist in the Indiecita #416 colorway (bought several years ago from Webs) I think this is the softest and squishiest cardigan I have ever made. I don't always go for the softest yarns but this time I did. If softness is something you seek out Twist would be perfect for you.

Needles: US 10.5, 32-inch circs and dpns

Buttons: Sheppardhandmade on Etsy (I'd like to buy everything in this shop. Adorable and sweet buttons, packaging divine, origami crane included, an extra tiny button, too, and letter stamped tape like from when I was a child. Love, love, love everything about this shop.)

Modifications: None except added a little length in the body and arms. I followed the pattern exactly for the second size. Also, I substituted the yarn. The pattern is written for Quince & Co.'s Osprey. I would love to make another in Osprey. 

What I learned: 
I learned that I really don't love alternating skeins but it is imperative when knitting with a variegated yarn. I already knew this but my dislike of alternating skeins every 2 rows was confirmed. It just slowed me down a lot. However, the finished fabric and coloration throughout the sweater is absolutely beautiful, even and perfect. It was worth all of the trouble.

I also learned that I really don't love garter stitch in large quantities. Again, I already knew this. Remember my Hitchhiker shawl? It's still not done. I just find garter stitch um.... a little boring (my least favorite word) but I love the finished garter stitch items so I will continue to knit every row when it's needed.

Here's the rest of the story in pictures:

A cardigan love story.
A sweet, simple one.
Have a good weekend and I hope you are knitting a love story, too.
best, susie


  1. How pretty on you! And those buttons are perfection. I think this too will now be added to my (endless?) queue.

  2. I think that the yarn is very well suited for the plain garter stitch. It allows the colours to really shine. It also fits you perfectly, looks great with jeans. My kind of cardigan!

  3. Love it! You look so comfortable wearing it.

    You may have tempted me to add to my Rav Queue

    Enjoy your Annabel.


  4. Your posts always make me smile and feel warm. You're sweet, Susan. I wish I have someone to make me handknit sweaters when I spend all my own time to paint now. :)

  5. I understand you perfectly, I also dislike knitting a lot of garter stitch. It was worth it though, the results are lovely! :-)

  6. Cardigans are so your thing! Love Malabrigo and that color way. You are ever so patient to alternate skeins. I probably would be lazy and not do that. I'll need to check out that Etsy shop. Your last button rec was great and my five year old loves her ballerina buttons. xo

  7. Very nice! Love the color :-) Love the buttons:-)
    Really can't wait to get back to knitting.. withdrawl.

  8. Simply beautiful, Susan. You must be a non-stop knitter!!

  9. how do you get so much knitting done so fast!
    gorgeous sweater
    just bought the wee sheep pattern, look forward to a herd for next Christmas...

  10. Hi newbie knitter here! When you say you alternate skeins, do you do it as if you were knitting a striped item with different color yarns? like, just carry up the yarn along the inside of the knitting every two rows? Just wondering....

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Cathy,
    Alternating skeins is just like striping but with the same color yarn. I carry the two balls of yarn up one side of the cardigan.


  13. You are a true enabler! I lOVE this sweater and will be casting it on shortly!
    Thanks for sharing :)

  14. Beautiful Susan, I've been thinking of knitting this one as well and that yarn is gorgeous. How many skeins did you use? I like that you lengthened the sleeves and body a bit and suspect I would do the same.

  15. Lisa - I had 6 skeins but didn't use it all up. I made the second size in the pattern:)

  16. I love spending time in the midst of my day reading this blog! The sweater is beautiful...again I will need to copy you! (I have the Belfast on the needles now and love it as well)
    So thanks, not just for knitting up great patterns to enable me, or make cute books and patterns (my daughter sleeps with her cow without fail each night) but also for pictures and words that i can enjoy with a cup of tea. Mahalo nui loa!

  17. Susan: I am no good at determining if a different yarn would work for this pattern...would you know of Soliel Universal cotton would work?

  18. Hi, Colleen,
    I am not familiar with that yarn and I looked it up on Ravelry to find out about it and nothing came up. As long as you get the recommended gauge (very important!) and it is considered an aran weight yarn it should work fine.
    I know that can be tricky sometimes.

    good luck. susan

  19. It's gorgeous! Well worth the garter stitch hassle! :)

  20. I'm working on this cardigan right now, but I'm stuck (newbie knitter!) do you join to finish the sleeves? Seems there will be a hole left.
