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Monday, December 17, 2012

Topsy-Turvy Inside-Out Knit Toys!

Hi, Knitters,
The day has finally come where I can share my next book with you! I have never been more excited and proud of a collection of knit toys than the one in Topsy-Turvy Inside-Out Knit Toys. Included in the book are twelve magical two-in-one reversible toys for you to knit. You may remember the Reversibles chapter in Itty-Bitty Toys? This book is a full-blown extension of that chapter. Topsy-Turvy Inside-Out is an entire book of toys that turn upside-down, reverse, flip inside-out and change into something else. The toys included in Topsy-Turvy Inside-Out are clever, memorable, cute, and most of all, plain old fun!

The cover kicks off the book in the perfect way. There is a pull-tab up on the top of the front cover. The text underneath the tab directs you to "pull and smile" and hopefully you will. I sure did! When you pull on the tab you get to see the striped bunny turn into a sweet lamb right before your eyes! It is such an energetic and fun cover and it only scratches the surface of the magical projects you'll find on the pages inside. Adults will love this pull-tab as much as the kids. 

The other great thing about Topsy-Turvy Inside-Out is that it is packed-full with tutorials. The book has step-by-step photographed tutorials where I get to take you through the techniques you need to create your own beautifully-crafted handknit toys. The photographs are of my own hands actually doing the techniques for you. It is like I am sitting right next to you at the kitchen table. My hope is that these tutorials will be incredibly helpful for all toy knitters from beginner to experienced. 

Without further ado, Topsy-Turvy Inside-Out Knit Toys is now up and available for pre-order. To find out more or to pre-order click here and click here. The book will be on the bookshelves of your favorite stores, including yarn shops, in March 2013. I will be previewing the book in much more detail closer to the publication date. I have lots of fun plans in the works, including travel and appearances, so stay tuned!

Now, with great pride and pleasure, I present to you the video book trailer for Topsy-Turvy Inside Out Knit Toys. For email subscribers, if you can't see the video on this post, click here to see the book trailer directly on YouTube.

Isn't that video the best? The toys jump off the screen and come to life. I love it. I hope you are as excited about this new book as I am. 

Please let me know what you think! I'd love to hear from you.
best, susie