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Monday, March 19, 2012

Kids Included

Hi Knitters,
I hope you all had a great weekend. It was an unseasonably warm and weather record breaking one for us. We enjoyed the great outdoors all weekend long which is always fun.

I have two book reviews for you this morning, both are aimed at children. If you are anything like me, you enjoy the illustrated picture books just as much if not more than the kids. I am a children's book collector of sorts.

The first book is called, Extra Yarn, by Mac Barnett (I might have said Mark in the video), and it is illustrated by Jon Klassen. The story and illustrations are fun and interesting and really different. I love this book and so do many other knitting bloggers, podcasts, and sites. I have seen Extra Yarn reviewed just about everywhere you could think of here to read another review and see more illustrations from the book.

The other book I reviewed in the video is Crafty Chloe by, Kelly DiPucchio and illustrated by, Heather Ross. I forget to mention her name, Heather Ross, while I am talking about her accomplishments as an illustrator and sewing and fabric designer. Click here for Heather's other book, and click here for her blog. Crafty Chloe is such a sweet and clever story about how being yourself works out for the best in the end. I love this one, too.

I have a few more knitting book reviews set for this week and a giveaway and a new pattern release. I've been knitting away on some new work projects and neglecting my personal projects a bit. I'll get back to some of those this week, hopefully.

I hope you are all well and I'll be back soon with more!
best, susie