Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Sugar and Spice is Everything Nice

 (All photos provided by Sugar and Spice, photographer Caro Sheridan)

Hi, Knitters,
Today I have something fun and fresh to review in the crochet world. The fantastic Linda Permann has authored a brand new crochet ebook called, Sugar and Spice, Six Bakery-Inspired Crochet Fashions. Honestly, I don't think I've ever seen more gorgeous crochet designs in my life. Linda called on some talented friends to help her pull her new book together. The photography is simply stunning and is by the talented Caro Sheridan or splityarn on Ravelry (she also has a photography class on called Shoot It!), and the one and only Amy Herzog is one of the beautiful models. Linda is a talented and experienced designer as you'll see, so you can be completely confident when using her patterns.

Here is Linda's description of the book:

When I think of fall, I remember pumpkin patches, changing leaves and crisp morning walks. I savor those first cool mornings, and as the temperatures fall, my urge to snuggle up with crochet gets even stronger.
The six designs in Sugar and Spice were inspired by my love of crocheted texture—and desserts, ranging from simple to ornate. Bubbling cherries swim a cobbler crust, embossed designs adorn an Italian cookie, and glowing beads of sugar dance along the edge of a freshly baked pie. Just like a delicious dessert, a beautiful hat, shawl or sweater will leave you feeling warm and content.
I hope you find inspiration in these pages to make your own crochet delicacies, either as gifts or to cherish for yourself.
Happy Crocheting!

I think this cardigan is wonderful. There is so much detail and the fit is perfection. I would wear this thing out. What a perfect everyday little cardigan.

Click here to see more information about all of the patterns on Ravelry!

Click here to see more about Linda Permann! Really, you have to click on this link and just look at her work. Linda is so incredibly talented. She recently moved to Colorado to work at - one of my favorite places to be! Craftsy is lucky to have such talent and experience.

I met Linda briefly at TNNA a couple of years ago. She is just as smart and adorable as her designs. As far as this ebook goes, I love every design in here. Each project is stylish, beautifully made and designed. Plus the projects look fairly quick and fun to crochet. Linda seriously takes crochet to an enviable level. Every project is stunning.

Click here for Linda's website and blog!

All six of the designs are made in Malabrigo yarns. What's not to love about that? I think Linda's pairing of yarn and project is perfection throughout the book.

 The Pinzelle Beret is exquisite.

 I love this Cherry Cobbler Beanie. Who doesn't like cherry cobbler?
I am going to have to try to crochet one of these hats.

 This is one of my favorites, the Tart Shrug. It is so pretty and sweet looking.

 These colors could not possibly look any better on the beautiful and talented Amy Herzog. She has the best hair in town. This is the Cocoa Wafer Cowl. It is all a winning combination, including the photography.

Click here to see all of Amy Herzog's designs! She has a new book coming out this spring, as well. I'll be reviewing this one as soon as I get a copy.

The gray with the yellow with Amy's wonderful coloring makes me want to crochet the Sugar Sparkles Shawl immediately. Just look at the border on this one! It is incredible.

I can't recommend Linda's work enough. She is a great one to follow. The ebook filled with these six designs can be purchased for download for a mere $18, which is only $3 per pattern. That is a steal. Let me know what you think.
best, susie


  1. I love the cowl. I wish I knew how to crochet. Very lovely.

  2. I am so glad you shared this book. I went off and bought it. Beautiful designs. I crocheted before I knit and this makes me want to pick up the hook again! Thank you!

  3. I especially love that Cocoa Wafer Cowl. If only I could understand crochet directions!!

  4. Wow! I hope I can crochet like that one day soon! I need to get that book! Thanks Susan, for putting us onto this great find. :-) Nicky momoffour

  5. OMG I love the Sugar sparkles shawl! I must have missed something, but I cannot find where to purchase the pattern. Sorry for being slow, could you please help me out? Oh,and by the way, happy new year!! :-)

  6. i found it at last! :-D Thanx!
