Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Dark and Stormy

Hi, Knitters,
Yesterday's late afternoon hike was the most enchanting fall experience. The day was dark and stormy. There was lightning and constant rain. The air was wet and heavy all day. 

After the storms cleared away.... this is what was left.

The dark spots on the path above are six gigantic wild turkeys.

All of this breathtaking fall beauty inspired me to start spinning this.....

Shetland Wool. Dyeabolical Yarns.

It's a very rustic wool that is going to be an autumnal bulky weight marled yarn.

In the meantime I am working away on my VK Live classes for Chicago on Oct. 28th. The preparation is going very well and I am anxious to get down to Chicago. 

The other bit of news is that the Quaker Ridge Shawlette Knitalong is officially over. I will be posting the fantastic prize drawings with the selected winners by the end of the week. I need to gather a few more photos of the prizes from the generous donors before I can do this.

Have a great fall-inspired week. I'll be back very soon.
best, susie


  1. Beautiful fall colours - trees and the roving. Happy spinning!

  2. I am looking forward to taking your morning class on Sunday, Oct 28 - see you there.

  3. I am looking forward to taking your morning class on Sunday, Oct 28 - see you there.

  4. It sure is beautiful where you live.

  5. Have a great time in Chicago! I'm sure that your classes will be fun, both for you and for the students! Safe travels!

  6. I know your busy... but could I get the pattern for the childs cardigan... the one with the cherry buttons? I just love it... and can see my great-niece in it.

  7. You will need to add the title, "photographer of beautiful things" to your profile soon! ;)

  8. You can't beat fall color. It is especially nice to capture it in yarn, and you did.

  9. Beautiful pictures! The wool is pretty too.

  10. OMG, Susan, the photos are STUNNING! So so beautiful! I wish to see the landscape in person!
    Your baby cardigans are so so cute!

  11. Lovely photos but I worry about you out there alone. Be careful, but I am sure you probably are. Tanknit

  12. Great pictures ...I love how the wool matches.:)

  13. I love the Fall colors! The Pheasants and the Turkeys are awesome to see. My daughter has young deer playing in her yard. It a beautiful season as is your fleece.

  14. so beautiful! I have been searching for a place to move my family, I am just tired of the city life. I never thought there was anywhere more special than New England in the Fall, but your pictures have truely changed my mind. Thanks for all the inspiration and photos - amazing.

  15. Such beautiful yarn... I wish I had been taught to spin... Thanks for sharing the photos, too! Fall is the most beautiful time of year... all the shades of yellow, gold, orange & rust & then the evergreens... What an awesome palette the Lord uses!!!♥Tess

  16. I'm so jealous about all your fall color! Here in Texas, we really don't even start seeing colors until really November:( This October has been so warm and humid here...on the opposite end, I was checking out the weather for Chicago this weekend...OMG! We are going to freeze up there:) 40 degrees colder than we are in Dallas...better pack the warm gloves and hats that I've knitted and haven't been able to use here!
    I'm really looking forward to meeting you Susan and taking your toy class...I'll be the one bundled in sweaters and freezing! See you Sunday morning!

  17. Amazing photos from your hike. :)
