Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Vogue Knitting Live in Chicago!

Hi Knitters,
This week is flying by so fast. I have lots to share on the knitting front but first I want to be sure to get this information out there about Vogue Knitting Live in Chicago this fall. I will be at the event teaching a couple of different classes and I hope to see lots of you there.

I am only teaching on Sunday, October 28th, because I have family obligations with my kids on the other days of the event. Since Chicago is pretty close to Madison I can make it down and back in one day without much trouble at all so that works out great.

I will be teaching two different classes on Sunday, one for a fantastic one-piece seamless toy I have designed just for the event (the pattern will include variations for three different animals - it's super fun and cute!) and the other class is for a top-down baby cardigan. I am providing the patterns for the projects in both classes when you get to class, just bring your yarn and needles and off we will go. There will be lots of skill-building and technique demonstrations, plus we will just have a good time knitting together for a few hours.

It should be loads of fun and I hope to see you on that October Sunday in fabulous Chicago! I am really looking forward to it. The registration opens very soon. Oh, and if you get a chance, let me know if you are able to join me for a class or two. I love hearing from you ahead of time.

Click here for the Vogue Knitting Live website for descriptions and registration!

I am putting the VKLive link and logo on my sidebar if you need to check back at a later date so you can always find it there. I am hoping to be teaching at Vogue Knitting Live in New York in January 2013, too, if all works out okay, not sure yet. I'll keep you posted on that.

I'll be back tomorrow with a post filled with knitterly goodness old and new! See you then.
best, susie


  1. Pat in Ypsilanti, MichiganMay 31, 2012

    How exciting!! I live about 5 hours from Chicago, in Michigan and I think that I can attend!!

  2. I hope your classes sell out and you find goodies there. Have a blast.

  3. AnonymousMay 31, 2012

    I'm looking forward to taking your classes. That will be fun!

  4. October is filling up quickly and it's months away! I wish I could go.

  5. I just read your blog post this morning and can not tell you how excited I am that you are teaching!! I've been considering coming to VK in Chicago and I think you've just sealed the deal for me! Yay!

  6. For those how can attend have a great time and tell the rest of us about it:)
