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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Today's Sweet Treat

Hi Knitters,
I thought I'd share the sweet reward I treated myself to this afternoon for conquering a brutal knitting schedule over the past couple of weeks. I am working on a whole new crop of projects that I am so truly excited about. I just have some detail work left on a few projects. I will be staying up late tonight until I finish, no choice there. Bunches of knitted things must be shipped off tomorrow!

I am feeling such joy through my knitting lately. I hope you are, too.
best, susie
p.s. The cookies and hot chocolate were sooooo good!


  1. Love the cup!!@(*_*)@!!

  2. I love your mug. And the ammoubt if marshmellows you have. Very jealous.

  3. I love that mug, it's so cool! Your treats look delicious... You should definitely take more breaks like that- you deserve them!

  4. Yum! Guess what I want to drink now?

  5. I hope that some of the new projects will be patterns for us. The cocoa and cookies look so enticing.

    janmarie- on ravelry

  6. Yum! Guess what I want to drink now?

  7. Oh hey! I have the same mug! It's my favorite. :)

  8. Hysterical! We all LOVE your mug.

  9. That mug is phenomenal! Do you remember where you got it. I would love to have one on my desk

  10. Stay up late? But do you still get up at 4am then?

  11. The mug is from Starbucks, I got mine a few years ago.

  12. I have that cup, too! I loooooooove it. Wish I had bought a bunch more of them when they were at Starbucks. :-)

  13. You and I have the same mug...from Starbucks, right? I love it and my two knitting daughters always want to use it when they visit. I hope it never breaks!

  14. The cocoa cup! Oh my goodness!

  15. A cabled cup? Oh my that is precious.

  16. What kind of yarn do you recommend for socks? Noticed you use Yarntini, but I do not know where you can buy it.

  17. I thought you made a cup cozy! Lovely pic. Can't beat a cup of cocoa w/marshmallows.

  18. love that mug!! where's it from?

  19. Absolutely adore the cup! Oh...and cookies, too! :-)

  20. I see you have the Starbucks knitting mug! Love it. I'm jealous that you can live a life of "knitting schedules". Right now my life consists only of planning my daughter's wedding and knitting isn't EVEN on the back burner.

  21. Looking forward to seeing the fruit of your labors, do you have a date for the next book release?

    If you're ever looking for ideas for your videos, i've used your Russian join, very helpful! And I'd love some tips on grafting underarm stitches (as in Owls). You have a wonderful way of teaching.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  22. That's great! You are incredibly driven and have such talent. Rewards are well deserved.

  23. I agree with other posters that the mug is awesome! The treats look lovely as well, of course.
