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Sunday, January 09, 2011

Sock Love

Hi Knitters,
I have fallen in love with a pair of socks. Click here to see them. Aren't the originals glorious? I am making my own version and I can't wait to finish.

By the way, click here to see the rest of this wonderful knitter's flickr photos. She is amazingly inspiring. I love everything she makes.
I started thinking about the colors in Spud & Chloƫ Fine and how they would work in a slightly different version of these socks. I am pretty thrilled with how they are turning out. I must say that Fine is pretty fine. My sock is not exactly like the original but it has a similar feel to it with the striping.
I just started this morning and I am moving right along. I am working on US size 1 dpns. Usually I work on US 2's but it seems like my socks are always a little loose so I will try the smaller size needle to see if it helps. It should.

After the rib at the top of the cuff I am working one round knit and then the next round k3, p1 and then repeating. I am really excited to try an afterthought heel which I have never done before. I have been listening to the Knitmore Girls podcast and they keep talking about the afterthought heel. I have to give it a try, it sounds so easy. I hope I remember what they said on how to do this type of heel. I didn't write it down or anything but I will trust my memory. Fingers are crossed.

I'll keep you posted on my afterthoughts of the afterthought heel. I am definitely doing the toes in different colors like in the original pair. I am in desperate need of new knit socks. TC has been wearing all of my handknit socks this winter and she is not easy on things. We just cleaned out her drawer and I pulled out five pairs of handknit socks and one without its match (which I cannot find).

Packers are on, family is gathered, Kindle is charged and sock knitting is at the ready so I don't have to watch. What a Sunday.
best, susie