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Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Door County from the Outside

Hi Knitters,
Here is the outer view of our trip. Much of our time was spent at the beach on Lake Michigan. Lake Michigan is so huge that it seems like you are on the ocean. Waves lap up to the shore and the water is so cold and clear.
Swimming for hours at a time kept TC very busy. We gave her the award for spending the most time in the water. My husband took a close second place because there was only one time she was in the lake without him. He is so much fun and always game for anything. I love that about him and so do the kids.
We were very lucky to have Miss Molly, my son's sweet girlfriend, stay with us for a night. Her family was in Door County at the same time and we got to spend some time with them. They left earlier than we did so she finished her trip with us at the Eco House. She is a treat and she brought her knitting, which I love. She is making her first sweater and her first pair of fingering weight socks. Seeing someone master first time projects, and doing it well, makes me happy.
The empty beach was beyond fantastic.
I went for daily runs on the beach and on the quiet, skinny lakeshore road. I loved it because it was so flat. I could run forever. It is hilly where I live and I am not good at running up hills. I am missing this shady flat road now that I am back to the hills of my Madison neighborhood.
A view from the beach...
Reading, knitting, swimming, football, sleeping and walking were the main beach activities. In front of the house the owner added a new abstract sculpture. I'm not so sure about it. The framework mimics the window panes and the curved part mimics the shape of the roof. It was made by a friend of the owner. We thought it looked like a lobster claw.

The owner stopped by briefly at one point and we asked him about the sculpture. When my husband asked if it was a lobster claw he got really quiet. We are still laughing about that. It's all subjective with abstract art, right?
Oh, Peachy. I love her.
I have a son with a love of fire...and fishing. This one spent a large amount of time fishing in various spots. He caught a few fish and a large fish was on his hook at one point but he didn't bring it in. My husband was his witness. I love his zest for things.
I had to laugh when I saw this photo my son took. This is the kind of thing my sons and my husband think is funny. This is the side of a restaurant called, Hot Tamales. We actually got carry out from here one night and it was surprisingly good. The actual restaurant looked a little questionable and when the boys saw the room air conditioner unit being held up by cement blocks they could not stop laughing about it. My son quickly added that they really needed 8 1/2 blocks.

Next up, the knitting and maybe a little Packers. You'll see.
best, susie
p.s. I have to tell you something funny real quickly. When I got back home my neighbor brought over a package they picked up for us. It was addressed to Stephanie Pearl-McPhee. I couldn't figure out what happened for awhile. I thought it was from Stephanie or maybe a new book from Stephanie but then inside it was a new book by Rachael Herron (which I am very excited about!). Then I realized it was a complimentary copy of Rachael's book sent from Chronicle Books to Stephanie Pearl-McPhee but with MY mailing address under her name. Isn't that the funniest thing? I don't even know how Chronicle got my address because I have never been in touch with them. I would love to keep my copy and review the book for Rachael. I should let Chronicle or Stephanie know about the mix up, I guess. Anyway, I thought you'd get a kick out of that.


  1. My husband and son would crack up about the air conditioner. I will have to show them. Thanks for the pictures. I lived in Wheaton Illinois and I miss the lakes in the midwest!!

  2. I love to see the photos of Door County, Susan. I spent time up there in June/July but on the bay side. Much busier but nonetheless a great time!!

  3. Thanks for sharing, Susan. It's always nice to read about your vacation.

  4. You guys take some of the best vacays!
    Ooh, the new Rachel Herron book? Gotta look out for that!

  5. The picture of the air conditioner cracked me up! Why don't I know Rachel Herron? Looking her up now!

  6. Don't you just love Lake Michigan?? It is truly special - it really is like a small ocean. The midwest is truly lucky to have the gorgeous Great Lakes (I know 'cuz I live In MI).

    Love your vacation pix - & the air conditioner picture is so funny!

    Again, thanks for sharing them

  7. Cindy (Arrowfeather)August 09, 2011

    We used to visit Door County when we lived in IL. My first lighthouses! btw my son's liked fire and are now firemen in FL. (thank goodness we were concerned about arson lol) Glad you got to relax and enjoy

  8. Love Door County! Thanks for the great photos. Your vacation is positively envy-enducing!

  9. It looks like you had a great time! My parents love Door County and were just there a few weeks ago--my family traveled to Traverse City, MI during the same time and we stood on opposite sides of Lake MI, on our phones and "waved at each other." ;-) Glad you made time to see the Packers--headed to GB next weekend for a break from the U.P.!

  10. What a switch a roo...Stephanie's name and your address..and Rachels book..3 of my favorite people in the knitting world. AND you were in one of my favorite spots in the world..Door County. I lived there in the 70's and my daughter was born there (her dads family is from there) Sturgeon Bay..I just love it there and still miss it. Can't wait to see what's on your needles next.
    Knit On!

  11. If it's the book of essays, it's wonderful. If it's the novel, which isn't out yet, I am jealous!!
