Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Hi Knitters,
Here are some quick updates for you. I am plugging away on the sleeves for the Camp Hoodie Knitalong. I've made some fun and simple modifications to the original. I switched out the fair isle pattern, took out the waist shaping, took off the hood and now I am adding sleeves that are picked up and knit down in the round. I think it is so fun to explore how much you can change a simple pattern and make it your own through a few easy modifications. It's turning out pretty cute!

For more information on the knitalong (you can still join in anytime, we just got started and many haven't started yet) or to follow along please jump over to my other blog, Spud says! (click here).
I finished the Baktus shawl out of the Zauberball. Love it! Google away or look it up on Ravelry for the yarn and free pattern.
I've already worn it quite a bit.
I added a knit through the back loop on my yarn overs because I like the lacy edging and it was easier to keep track of what row I was on for the increases and decreases with the hole in the edge.
It's always a thrill to have a new knitted piece to wear.
I spun up this gigantic hank of Sunshine Yarns roving in the colorway called, Winter Song. It is the bounciest hank of yumminess ever. This hank is 8 oz. and really, it is big!
I am making everyone in my house hold my huge Winter Song hank of handspun. They all love it and rub it on their cheeks. My husband and TC both carried it like a baby in the crook of their arms at separate times. Gotta love those two.

You know for the spinning I am getting better at being more even at times but what I really love about my handpun yarn is the crazy stuff. The fluffy bits and pieces that aren't so uniform and the plying that is incredibly imperfect. If I wanted perfect yarn I would just buy it. This yarn has character and silliness and that's what I love the most about it. I hope I don't ever lose that in the spinning, like become too good at it so the yarn is perfect. That's how I feel about it now. I have always had a fondness for the imperfections of handmade things because they are deeply endearing.

Have a beautiful Sunday.
best, susie


  1. I love your handspun! That is how I feel about it, too. I just received my first wheel, and am going to start today - so excited!! I've spun on spindles for years, but this will be a whole new world :)
    Can't wait to get your new book!!!!
    Have a great week! Erin (lilarchergirl on Rav)

  2. The yarn is yummy looking! it seems you are getting better at it! I would love to learn how to spin, it looks like fun and I love looking at roving online and always want to make some yarn with it! What do you use to spin your yarn? Do yo have a spinning wheel or a drop spindle? Im very curious about how to get started and Im not sure where to start!

  3. Love that scarf! Beautiful colors! Some day, I too, would like to spin! When I have time!!:)


  4. Your shawl is so awesome! The colorway's amazing. It looks terrific on you. Love how you experiment even further w/the Camp Hoodie. Good for you. I like your handspun yarn. It must be soothing to pump that wheel and to delightful to see it taking shape. It looks so soft and springy.

  5. Love the scarf!!! What size needle did you use?

  6. Love the scarf!!! What size needle did you use?

  7. Oh boy...I'm telling you. You've gotta make Ysolda's Urchin out of that Winter Song! Just gotta.....
    And put a pom on the top....gotta.

  8. Joanne SnyderJanuary 25, 2011

    Keep spinning your yarn chunky and bumpy. My first handspuns are my all time favorites. I thought I wanted to spin fine even sock yarn and now have a tough time spinning the chuncky bumpy yarn.

  9. Love this scarf with the Z-ball! I've made one before but need a longer one. Love your lacy inclusion.

    Did you use one skein of the Z-ball?
