Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Mmmm, Yarn

Hi Knitters,
I have a winner for the Baby Blueprint Crochet book. It's Elizabeth. Congrats! Please contact me to give me your mailing address so Interweave can send out your new book! Here is the winning comment:

Blogger elizabeth said...

DARLING! Can't decide if my favorite is the blanket or the socks, so maybe I'll just have to make both. :

rav id: scrappygolden
December 03, 2010

Okay, no one warned me about spinning. That wasn't nice. I am not even good at it and it's all I want to do right now. I have work knitting obligations coming out of my eyeballs and all I dream of doing is sitting and spinning. Oy. I am tearing myself away....
I am knitting up this fantastic bias-knit scarf on US size 15 needles in the blue-green yarn I spun a couple of weeks ago. Knitting on the bias is cool to me for some reason. I really like it. The yarn is so soft. I love all of the little bumps and blips in the yarn. It is awesome. I have more yarn to share coming up so stay tuned.
Did you know that if you hold two strands of Crystal Palace Mini Mochi together you not only get a worsted weight yarn, you get the most fabulous tweedy-looking fabric ever? TC is still on fire with her knitting for now. She whipped up this fabulous little baby set over a couple of days last week. She worked on a US size 7 needle. The pattern for the booties is free. The hat is just a simple baby hat from Itty-Bitty Hats (which has just gone into its 6th printing by the way!). Both patterns literally could not be any easier.

Then she took it one step further.
She painted a little paper circle box to place her knitted gems.
She is donating the whole thing to her knitting charity group at a neighborhood church. It's incredible to watch her. She is so free about the whole thing. It is no big deal to her as she really thinks nothing of it. The thought of a baby wearing her items is all she needs.
Cool stuff.

Okay, I have a couple of new patterns out.

Click here for information about my new baby crochet pattern from Spud says! printed pattern line. Come on and crochet with me! This bunny hat can be worked up in an hour (I am not kidding!) using single crochet. The blanket is gorgeous and uses only single and double crochet. You could have this whole set done in a day, no joke.

I think I am going to make a video of me crocheting this adorable bunny hat to show you how easy it is. I am not usually a big crochet person but sometimes it is just plain fun to try something new. This pattern is not quite out yet but very soon and will be available in printed form only at local yarn shops and online yarn shops.

I'm off to get the Lamb from Scratch pattern written up and available for you. I am always running a few days behind it seems. Have a good weekend. Are any of you Christmas people getting your tree this weekend? We are. I always look forward to this time of year.
best, susie


  1. I can't believe how creative and talanted that TC is! She should be proud of herself. :)

  2. Oh- I forgot to add, congrats on the 6th printing, you should feel so proud too!

  3. Congratulations on your 6th printing of your book!! That is so wonderful!! and so exciting!! I know you are proud of your daughter, too (but I think we know where she learned such sweet generosity!)

    And, a big Congratulations to Elizabeth on winning the crocht book - such cute 'stuff'. Happy crocheting to you!

  4. TC's work is just stunning! I love the bunny hat, just in time for Easter! Congrats on the 6th printing!!! I just love it myself and all my knitting friends got the set of all three books and a few skeins of sweater for Christmas. So I am sure you will soon have a few more fans of your wonderful designs checking out your blog.
    Off to work on Christmas gifts. Have a great weekend.

  5. I never would have thought of doubling mini moochi. Great idea and I just happen to have a couple of balls of this in my stash.

    Thank you TC for the brilliant idea.

  6. Oh my god. I live in Germany, and left my wheel in America for spinning. I miss it SO much and would love to get some good spinning done !! I am incredibly jealous !

    It looks like you are spinning up some incredibly beautiful yarn ! I love it ALL !

    Oh, and we are getting out tree tomorrow ! (Monday!) Woop Woop !!!

  7. I can't wait for your Lamb from Scratch pattern! I love the idea of using handspun yarn to knit this little guy. I don't know how to spin yet (would love to learn!), but just recently bought some wonderfully soft, local handspun yarn that would be perfect for this project! :)

  8. Way to go, TC! I think I may enjoy reading about her knitting updates even more than your own, Susan! Your spinning makes me smile. I hope to take on the art at some time in my future.

  9. Here's a big WOW for TC! She is a talented and generous person!
