Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

BT to the MKG and more...

I threw this photo in as an afterthought as a friend just sent it to me. That's my son on the left during his cross country meet last weekend. It is such a great sport and fun to watch. He is the first of our kids to join cross country so it has been interesting and new. I thought you might enjoy seeing him run. I love high school sports. The kids are so inspiring.

Now to the real post as intended....
Hi Knitters,
I have a fun giveaway at the end the post so be sure to check it out.

Last Monday night I attended the Madison Knitters Guild. I am a new member just this fall. The guest speaker was Jared Flood. Some may know him better as Brooklyn Tweed. I met him briefly before the meeting started which was nice. I have been following his blog for years so it was wonderful to see him in person.
The Madison Knitters Guild is one of the largest in the country. There are about 550 member with over 300 attending every meeting. The current space is too small so it is usually standing room only. This meeting was no exception. I am sure Jared had to be surprised at the size of the crowd. It is a pretty amazing sight. He said he was forewarned by the Chicago Knitting Guild about the MKG. He also said to me that he had heard about the voracious Madison knitting scene. I love that.

The woman in the orange overalls (photo above) is Elizabeth Wellenstein. She brought her hot off the presses release of Around the World Knitted Socks which she translated from German to English for Interweave Press. It is a beautiful book of intricate and colorful socks. I looked kind of over her shoulder at her book as she sat behind me and leafed through the pages. Congratulations to Elizabeth for her accomplishment.
Jared started speaking and commented about the size of the group. It is a little overwhelming up on that stage but I have to say it is the warmest, funniest group around. It is a group that loves to laugh and have fun. Jared received a very warm welcome. There were many wearing his designs in the crowd.
He had slides that showcased his exquisite photography. He showed photos of his travels, buildings, locations and knitting. Do you recognize that hat in the photo? It's a pretty famous one. Click here to see.
Finally, he shared the back story of his brand new yarn line called Shelter. It is a heathery woolen spun yarn in beautiful autumnal shades. There are 17 colors available right now and he shared how the yarn is dyed before it is spun, not dipped after it is spun. Jared began working on his American made wool about a year ago so he is feeling quite proud of its recent release.
He has a pattern line to support his new yarn and he brought a few samples to share.
I love the mittens. Yes, those are good.
This scarf has interesting texture.
I especially love this shawl. Jared has a newly updated site where you can find out more about him and purchase his patterns and yarn. Click here to go to his site, Brooklyn Tweed.
Okay, this is a switch in topics and a fun one at that! The new issue of Knitcircus is up and it is a special gift issue which I always enjoy. The founder, Jaala Spiro, has offered a wonderful giveaway for me to host. I am running this giveaway in a slightly different way.

I will randomly select 2 winners in a few days.
1 winner will receive the Knitcircus Gifts issue pattern collection.
1 winner will receive a subscription to Knitcircus.

To celebrate the Itty-Bitty Knits group on Ravelry surpassing the 2,000 members mark I am hosting the giveaway over there. To enter you need to leave a happy comment on the forum thread AND you need to be a member of the Itty-Bitty Knits group! Please only enter once and do not leave a comment on this blog post or email me to enter.

Good luck if you enter! It's a wonderful prize offering. Thanks to Jaala!
best, susie


  1. dang, I am sorry to have missed this MKG outing - I joined specifically to see Jared, I admit it. But then pooped out - shoot! So glad it was wonderful and he had such a hardy crowd! Thanks for sharing!

  2. MinniestitchesOctober 13, 2010

    I looovvvveee the mitts on the from cover of Knitcircus and would like to be entered in the draw.

  3. Glad you had a great time at the meeting! I purchased two skeins (Long Johns and Thistle) of Shelter yesterday, cant wait for it to come!

    Happy Knitting!

  4. I would love to win a copy of Knitcircus or a whole subscription! It must have been great to hear Jared. I have been following his blog for quite a while.
    ljgreenlaw on ravelry

  5. Jared was great on Monday. And I can see myself on your pic of the meeting. : )

  6. I too would love a subscription to KnitCircus! I love reading your blog because you always have so many links to other knitters/blogs that I get hooked on!

  7. I too would love a subscription to KnitCircus! Love your blog - you always have great links to new (to me) blogs/knitters!

  8. Would love to have a copy of Knitcircus.

  9. I'm surprised that you only joined MKG this year. But, I only joined last year so I guess I can't talk too much.

    I'll admit, I had heard of Jared Flood before the meeting but I didn't pay too much attention. I think now I'm going to pay more attention. I wish I could get my hands on the yarn, too!

    Also, I find it amusing that I was sitting a seat away from him and didn't get to talk to him. Oh's all good :)

  10. I would love to have a copy of knitcircus!

    knitteralli on Ravelry

  11. What a wonderful thing to be doing

  12. I've never had the chance to read a Knitcircus but I hope to soon. I've joined the group which seems to have me in all your groups now. Loved the Top down raglan group and yes I'll get it finished after all the winter wear I've been asked to knit.
    Thanks for always sharing!

  13. Wow, the pictures of the MKG are amazing. It make me curious about my local Chicago one. The knitcircus also looks wonderful!

  14. I really love the Knitcircus issues I looked at and would love to win!

  15. I took a class with Jared in Alexandria, VA and it was amazing. I love him!

  16. I would love to win the Knitcircus giveaway. You are always offering us such great contests. Thanks a bunch!

    Mrspitt on ravelry!

  17. Would love to be entered in the drawing. Jared Flood is amazing, I just took a look at his blog for the first time. Thanks so much for sharing!

  18. I sure would have loved to experience that crowd with Jared Flood. I too have enjoyed his blog for several years, he's an amazing overly talented knitter. Keeping my fingers crossed to win a copy, thanks for the opportunity!

  19. Great giveaway as always. Wish our guild was as strong.

  20. Hi Susan, Hope I am the winner! Love all that you do and share! Happy Fall! Laura C

  21. I love looking at gorgeous knitting. Sometimes I have to force myself to stop looking and start knitting as things don't knit themselves. I would love to win Knitcircus and a subscription would be fantastic.

  22. Oh, I have been a XC mom two times. I love Cross Country! The photo you have put up is a classic. Beautiful runners on a crisp, sunny glorious fall day. My favorite!

    My DD ran XC in high school and then went on to coach at her old high school, coaching her own brother when he joined the team 7 years after she did.

    I have many photos similar to your photo. The sun shining on them as they run in lovely park setting. I just love that!

    Hope your son has a wonderful season. He will make lifelong friends. Enjoy being a Cross Country mom!

  23. I can't get KnitCircus around here so it would be a real treat to get a copy!

  24. I would love to be entered in the drawing for Knitcircus- it's definitely time to be working on those gifts! Thanks so much for always sharing with us.

  25. Wow, it looks like it was a great lecture. Wish I lived closer.

  26. What a terrific give a way!! You rock, Susan!!!
