Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Knit Collage Scarf Pattern

Hi Knitters,
Popping in here today to share the scarf I finished up this morning. A couple of weeks ago I shared some fascinating yarn I purchased from Purlsoho called, Knit Collage in the Mermaid Cafe colorway. I saw this yarn at ImagiKnit, too, if you are interested. The yarn has silly bits and pieces spun into the yarn. It is so much fun to knit up. I found things like crocheted flowers, strings of sequins, sequin flowers, lace, ribbon and tiny yellow flowers.

Well, yesterday I decided to whip up a scarf from the Knit Collage yarn. I knit my way through a soccer game and finished it up early this morning. It worked up in a flash. I love the finished scarf so I want to share the pattern with you!
Knit Collage Scarf

Finished measurements: 48 inches by 5 inches
US size 15 needles
3 skeins of Knit Collage (35 yards per skein)

Cast on 12 stitches.
Row 1: knit
Row 2: purl
Row 3: knit
Row 4: purl
Row 5: purl
Row 6: knit
Row 7: purl
Row 8: knit
Repeat rows 1-8 until you use up your yarn, leaving enough to bind off the last row. Try to end with a row 4 or a row 8 (but it's okay if you don't). Bind off.

That's it! Super fast, super easy!
I didn't block my scarf at all. I love it just as it is. If you get to make one for yourself, have fun!

You can still enter the How to Knit a Love Song giveaway for just a tiny bit longer. Click here to enter if you missed it.

I'll be back with a book winner in the next post!
best, susie


  1. SUPER-fun yarn!!!! You did it justice for sure - looks great!

  2. You're wearing short sleeve already. It must be getting warm over there.

  3. What a fun scarf, Susan! This yarn would be great for young girls who would get a kick out of those little tidbits in there. Your scarf gave me an idea for a belated, birthday gift for one of Coconut's classmates. Mahalo for sharing!

  4. Oh so cool!!! BTW, I love to see you knitting for yourself.

  5. I love this yarn and the colour you picked! This yarn is definetely on my wish list!

  6. WOW! Turned out darling. I LOVE that yarn. Thank you so much for the pattern. Add it to the to-do list.

    knitting thru the itty bittys

  7. a very nice scarf. I love the pattern too so simple.

  8. It's absolutely beautiful, love the color! Thank you for the pattern.

  9. I love the scarf, but at $34.00 a ball, times 3 balls, it's pretty pricey!

  10. Hi Cathy A.,
    The yarn is pricey but it is very special and handspun so I feel like it is a worthy investment. It is like a little piece of art to me.

    The scarf could be done in a less expensive super-bulky weight yarn and little extras could be stitched on after. It would be just as cute.


  11. I just finished reading the book you recommended, "How To Knit A Love Song", was just plain delightful...steamy, yes, but such a sweet love story. I downloaded it on my Kindle and immediately began to read and didn't stop until I finished.I wanted to go right out and visit her new little shop...I wish it were real.
    Love the scarf. I also bought 3 skeins to make into something fabulous. Can't wait!

  12. What a fun scarf!The colors are like a spring bouquet.

  13. I'm in love with this scarf and colorway! Thank you, so much, for sharing!

  14. That scarf is really nice. Is it so cold out there? I am a poster printing artist. I would like to use that picture as one of my designs for spring...

  15. Hi Susan--love this yarn!! I didn't act fast enough though, and now it's out of stock everywhere! Maybe it can be a project for next winter... :)
