Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Winner of Mad Hungry

Hi Knitters,
I randomly selected a winner this morning for the Mad Hungry giveaway. Elissa will need to email (my email is always on the blog sidebar) me to provide her mailing address. If I don't hear from Elissa in a couple of days I will select a new winner. Congratulations, Elissa! I know you are going to love this book. Thanks to all who left a comment and I loved reading about all of your Mad Hungry houses! We are not alone.

Here is the winning comment:

Blogger Elissa said...

this book looks fabulous and if i don't win, i for sure will check it out anyway! my boys are still only little and tend to have only spurts of mad hungriness, but i KNOW in a few years we're going to dealing with mad hungry all the time! thanks for the chance to win!
January 15, 2010

I hope you all had a good holiday weekend. It was nice to have that extra day. One exciting thing of note is that Stitchers Crossing in Madison has just received a boatload of Spud & Chloë yarn!!! Madison finally has Spud & Chloë in person!! I get so many questions about where to get Spud & Chloë yarn and products locally and now we have it available. Thank you to Stitchers for bringing in these great yarns. Let's be sure to support their effort!
I worked on Spud & Chloë Outer yarn all weekend long and it is a dream, just look at the photo below. This new color is called Cornsilk and it is a beauty.
Have a good day, Knitters.
best, susie


  1. If Elissa could just e-mail us all her address and time of dinner, we'd be happy to taste test one of her new creations!!

  2. Congratulations Elissa!
    That yarn is making me drool.
    Or maybe it's the thought of all that fabulous food Elissa is going to be cooking up!

  3. Oh the suspense of not knowing what you knit up with that beautiful yarn. I can't wait to see that finished project!

  4. Congrats to you, Elissa.

  5. Congratulations Elissa!
    This is one cookbook I'm going to have to go out and buy.
