Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Monday, August 24, 2009

She's Gone

Hi Knitters,
Here's the thing, I am leaving for a few days. I don't know if I will have internet access where I am going. Still continue to enter in my Super-Duper Giveaway because it isn't closed and it won't be closed until this weekend. Keep those entries coming in! If the entries are not posted right away they all will be posted when I get to it. No worries there, Knitters. I've got you covered.

Here's the other thing, when I am on vacation without internet access I can't send out pattern orders immediately. If you order a pattern from my shop over the next few days I will send it out to you as soon as possible when I return. I personally send out all orders via email. I really like doing it this way because people often write me notes and requests and then I can keep track of the orders and respond to people. However, this means that if I am gone the patterns do not get sent out immediately. You will have your pattern in your inbox by this weekend, I promise. No worries there either, Knitters. 

That's enough about that: ) 

One more thing, I have had several questions about the Flower Cardigan from Itty-Bitty Nursery over the last couple of days, which seems a little funny. I have been having an extremely busy last couple of days including a huge knitting project deadline which I just completed and mailed off today. I haven't had time to look up the pattern to refresh my memory and then to figure out the answers yet. I will do this on my return as well. In the meantime Ravelry is a great place to ask questions and to get answers. My Ravelry group is Itty-Bitty Knits. You may want to ask over there to see if someone can help if you can't wait.
Ahhhhhh. I will be doing lots of this.
And lots of that.

I'll be back before you know it. I'll miss you.
best, susie


  1. Enjoy your computerless time away.. :)


  2. Have a happy itty-bitty-vacation!!

  3. Relax and enjoy ... you've earned it!

  4. I can't believe you get rude comments and complaints about not sending patterns when you're gone :( that's an aweful thing to do. If they are your true fans they wouldn't do that. Shame on them! I on the other hand completely understand when you have to take vacations once in a while (everyone deserves it) and not send the patterns right away. Have a fabulous mini vacation!
    P.s. Hmm I wonder if you knit on vacation, I know I do :) But you knit for a living so I'm sure you like taking a breal once in a while.


  5. what knitting are you taking with you on this itty bitty holiday ????
    Id love to know :))

  6. Have a great trip Susan :0)
    Love Mel

  7. Enjoy your time away and don't even give a thought to anyone rude enough to send you ugly emails. Hope you can relax and have a great time!

  8. Have a wonderful and refreshing vacation. Hope you are rejuvenated when you return (and that your kitchen will be done)! --Ramona

  9. Oooh, I hope you have a super fantastic time of refreshment!

  10. A little time away is wonderful - ENJOY! I love your creative ideas - I am always inspired. I make the little bird and she sits on a wound ball of yarn in my sewing studio - very cute! Thanks.

  11. A little time to relax, yields many benefits. ENJOY Thanks for the little bird pattern. I made one and she sits on a wound ball of yarn in my sewing studio. So cute! You are an inspiration for creativity.

  12. Hooray for you to get away with family without technology for a few days! Enjoy! I just saw "Julie and Julia" and have a new respect for bloggers who write about what they love to do...

  13. I love the picture in the rocks. Where is this lovely place? Looks very nostalgic to me.

  14. It's at the end of the path on Picnic Point on the Lakeshore path at the UW Madison.


    It is really beautiful.
