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Monday, December 08, 2008

Oklahoma Hook

Hi Knitters,
My sister told me that the winter storm we are currently having is due to an Oklahoma Hook weather pattern. I don't know what that is but it sure is messing things up around here. We are set to get about 10 inches of snow by tomorrow and then continuing on tomorrow. The Madison Knitters Guild is not happening tonight. Cancelled. That is sad. I prepared hard over the last few days to be the guest speaker at the meeting, packed up loads of stuff to share, plus I had a bunch of fun giveaways planned for the meeting. It would have been so fun. Bummer. 

The guild meetings are planned about a year in advance so maybe I'll get to see the Madison knitters next year. There isn't anything you can do about the weather, that's one thing I know for sure. I am glad everyone will be home safe and sound tonight. The Madison Guild has Stephanie Pearl-McPhee coming to town for the Madison Knit In next March. That sounds fun.

We went to a Christmas tree farm yesterday to pick out our tree. Last year there was a blizzard while we were picking out our tree, this year it was windy and cold. The Collector picked up spare branches that were on the ground. She is determined to make some winter fairy houses in the yard. We are going to get going on that later this week. We looked up some neat versions of winter fairy houses in a couple of her books. I'll keep you posted.
My husband is 6' 5" so he is always the tester for how tall the tree is before he cuts it down. It's all very scientific. 
This tree passed the test. It is a beauty. My husband is a trooper. He gets right down there on the ground in the snow and saws away. It was really cold out, too. I have a lot of pictures just like this one. Every year I take a shot of him on the ground cutting down the tree. I don't know why.
Aren't those hats the best? I love it when the kids all wear their knitted hats. It makes me all warm inside. If you get a tree do you cut your trees down or do you buy them already cut? Either way it sure is fun to have a beautiful pine tree all decorated in your house. The house just smells so good. 

When we have our tree up I always turn on the lights right away when I get up really early in the morning. Then when the kids get up they see the tree all lit up first thing when they come down the stairs for breakfast. I like that for some reason.

Hope you are all nestled in and warm tonight. I will be.
best, susie
Did you see this fantastic project? I am definitely doing this one with the kids.