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Monday, December 08, 2008

Oklahoma Hook

Hi Knitters,
My sister told me that the winter storm we are currently having is due to an Oklahoma Hook weather pattern. I don't know what that is but it sure is messing things up around here. We are set to get about 10 inches of snow by tomorrow and then continuing on tomorrow. The Madison Knitters Guild is not happening tonight. Cancelled. That is sad. I prepared hard over the last few days to be the guest speaker at the meeting, packed up loads of stuff to share, plus I had a bunch of fun giveaways planned for the meeting. It would have been so fun. Bummer. 

The guild meetings are planned about a year in advance so maybe I'll get to see the Madison knitters next year. There isn't anything you can do about the weather, that's one thing I know for sure. I am glad everyone will be home safe and sound tonight. The Madison Guild has Stephanie Pearl-McPhee coming to town for the Madison Knit In next March. That sounds fun.

We went to a Christmas tree farm yesterday to pick out our tree. Last year there was a blizzard while we were picking out our tree, this year it was windy and cold. The Collector picked up spare branches that were on the ground. She is determined to make some winter fairy houses in the yard. We are going to get going on that later this week. We looked up some neat versions of winter fairy houses in a couple of her books. I'll keep you posted.
My husband is 6' 5" so he is always the tester for how tall the tree is before he cuts it down. It's all very scientific. 
This tree passed the test. It is a beauty. My husband is a trooper. He gets right down there on the ground in the snow and saws away. It was really cold out, too. I have a lot of pictures just like this one. Every year I take a shot of him on the ground cutting down the tree. I don't know why.
Aren't those hats the best? I love it when the kids all wear their knitted hats. It makes me all warm inside. If you get a tree do you cut your trees down or do you buy them already cut? Either way it sure is fun to have a beautiful pine tree all decorated in your house. The house just smells so good. 

When we have our tree up I always turn on the lights right away when I get up really early in the morning. Then when the kids get up they see the tree all lit up first thing when they come down the stairs for breakfast. I like that for some reason.

Hope you are all nestled in and warm tonight. I will be.
best, susie
Did you see this fantastic project? I am definitely doing this one with the kids.


  1. Thank you for sharing your tree story and photos. We got our tree yesterday and had to put the lights on right away! I loved the link to the birch houses and I was delightfully surprised to see that it is Kristin Nicholas' blog!? I love her books and use of color.
    Also thank you for your great books and patterns. I find myself looking for pregnant women to knit hats for. :)
    Happy Winter.

  2. Great pictures. We are supposed to be getting hit tomorrow with what your getting now and I have Yarn Club to go to. I hope it's not too bad or we'll have to cancel also.

  3. I love the tree story - such a great tradition! We have a fake tree - I grew up cleaning up too many needles:) But I do love, love the smell! I also turn my x-mas tree lights on right away in the morning, by myself, with my knitting - feels like such peace.

  4. Wish we could take some of that snow for you. We got a dusting Saturday, but it got up to 50 today, so it's all gone now. Our tree will go up tomorrow and I can't wait for the smell to fill the house.(I turn the lights on first thing in the morning, too.) We made Kristin's houses this weekend, but they're more like rustic, Kentucky cabins. The pictures are on my blog.It is a really fun project.

  5. I was very disappointed that Guild was canceled tonight. I was looking forward to hearing you speak! Hopefully you can come next year.

  6. We just had our annual tree trek, too, but no snow, but still goofy fun! It must be the southern end of the Oklahoma Hook that is going to get us today!

  7. I have always wanted to cut down our Christmas tree and this year was the first year we did - from the hunting property up north, Thanksgiving Day. It's a beautiful tree and very "wild" looking, because it's just as it was in the wild - no trimming or shaping. I love it. It's nice to have one so fresh. Mine's decorated red and gold this year.

    Happy Christmas! Stay warm and safe!

    Hilary in Michigan

  8. Fresh tree, definitely! We don't cut ours down anymore, as one of my husband's clients has a terrific tree lot nearby - he runs it with the help of his family, so we always see his grandchildren helping people pick out their trees, which is nice. We haven't quite gotten to the tree yet this year - also dealing with the Oklahoma hook here in the Twin Cities, although not as much snow as you are supposed to have. Despite the travel difficulties, it is pretty to have snow on the ground for Christmas.

  9. Oh, I'm so envious of your winter wonderland, although that it does makes things difficult logistically speaking. This morning it was 45 degrees here in Arizona, and I was actually chilly for the first time. I never bother to wear a coat to work, though, because I know it will be much warmer by the time I leave.

    We have a prelit artificial tree. Not as nice, but much easier. I always loved it when my mom turned on the lights for me, so keep it up!

  10. We cut our tree down too. Tradition from my family. And I too have many photos of my husband on the ground cutting the tree etc! My son is 19 months and loves the lights on the tree (granted I try to get as many as I can on the tree - this year's tree is a bit smaller so just over 1000 lights), anyways, this am he tried to plug the lights in by himself. It was very cute! thanks for the great blog. Merry Christmas!

  11. I chuckled to myself when I saw your husband on the ground cutting down the tree! How funny to see that someone takes the same photos I do!

  12. Hi Susan: Thanks for linking to my blog - You have the nicest readers, don't you? Such kind, generous notes - just like your blog. Can't wait to see if you can get your kids into doing the little houses.

    I feel so bad you missed the presentation at the Knitting Guild. I honestly know how much effort it is to put it all together and get all excited about it - only to have it be cancelled. Can't help Mother Nature though - as we all know.

    Hope you are well and enjoying the holiday festivities. Joy to you! ---Kristin

  13. I love snow and miss it here in Central Texas at this time of year, but it's a bummer when things have to be canceled because of it.
    Love the tree cutting idea, I thought they only did that in movies ;-) How wonderful to do such a thing. Mine is artificial :-/

  14. Oh how I remember those tree hunting days! We would always have so much fun trying to find just the right tree. Your's looks beautiful. Hope you share photos of the tree with lights and decorations!

  15. Hi Susan!
    How fun to get a tree in the snow! Here in Seattle we won't get snow - which is really okay with me :-)

    I noticed that the KIDS have their great knitted hats... but your husband is wearing a baseball cap. What's up with that? He has one of the coolest knitted hat designers in the country right there in his home!

    I always turn on the tree lights first thing in the morning, too. When my oldest daughter (now 25) was about 7 years old, she wanted to sleep under the Christmas tree. Did your kids ever do that? I left the tree on all night for her... it was the sweetest thing.


  16. Wow I don't think I have ever known of anyone to cut their own tree for Christmas. Is that a Northern thing? The hats look great. You make we want to knit some for my kids! Thanks for sharing!
