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Thursday, July 10, 2008

By George...

...I think she's got it.
Hi Knitters,
That's right, I finished up the Anne scarf this morning. After muddling through a few false starts I was determined to figure this thing out for good. I have a real newsflash when I tell you that the pattern was right and I just needed to trust and follow blindly. It worked like a charm. Thank you for a beautiful pattern and chart, MK Carroll.
I used Blue Sky Alpaca dyed cotton in a pumpkin color and I think a size G crochet hook. The pattern and my inspiration are both found here. For more inspiring pictures look here. Phew, those are pretty in her own handspun and hand dyed yarns. I wish I had some of that.
Mine's pretty, too, but in a different way.
My version of Anne is a gift for a sweet friend of mine. I can't wait to give it to her. I am definitely making more of these.

Okay, the business of the giveaway I promised in the last post is this. I have so much stuff to give away that I am debating on how I should do it. Should I do some separate smaller giveaways or one big blow-out giveaway? I am leaning toward the one large giveaway. I just have to photograph the stuff and I hope to do that tomorrow and get that up for the weekend.

In the meantime I couldn't wait to share my scarf. I feel accomplished today with my crochet even though this was incredibly simple. Anyone could crochet this pattern. You should give it a try.

best, susie