Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Monday, November 10, 2008

Hey, It's Up!

Hi Knitters,
I added this part on Tuesday due to some difficulties we encountered with the links and the itunes account.

However, my first podcast episode is up and sort of running! 

It is not available on itunes yet. We had a little snafu so we will be working on it. I will send out a new post when we get it fixed. My computer technician has a band concert and homework tonight so we'll see when he gets a chance to help me. Homework has to come before podcasts, I guess.

The new link is here: Itty Bitty Podcast. You can listen to it through podbean for now. This is temporary until we get things settled on itunes. For the first episode I kept it very simple. I did a book review of one of my favorites from the not so far past. It took me a few minutes to warm up so be patient with me: )

I hope you enjoy the episode. My girls say the introduction and my oldest son composed the music and both of my sons helped get the podcast up and running. My husband did the dinner dishes and kitchen clean up so we could work on the podcast together last night.

Okay, have a good night.
best, susie 


  1. a mad-town knitter, checking in. :) so fun to hear your voice. i actually just finished your squares and rectangles sweater for my baby girl - *swoon* - i feel so accomplished having completed it.

  2. Nice podcast! I am knitting the fingerless mitts for my husband for Christmas now! I just love to look through this book. One of my first books! Thanks! Jill

  3. Great podcast! Your kids are so sweet to help out. I have that book and you made me want to pull it out again.

    I remember listening to your podcast interview on Craft Sanity and really enjoyed listening to talk about your knitting and book.

  4. Oh Susan! How fun it is to hear you chat away. Great job! I loved the music as well, just perfect.

  5. I can't wait to listen - I love how everyone contributed something - like button soup!

  6. I have subscribed and am looking forward to hearing your podcast.
