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Monday, July 07, 2008


Hi Knitters,
My daughter turned twelve this weekend. When she was born I already had two sons. I had my mind set that this baby would be another boy. I don't know why, it was just a feeling. I love having boys but I always wanted to have a daughter in the worst way. I love little girls.
She was born at around 8pm and we were simply shocked to have a girl. I was so excited about her, beyond words. When I called my mom (who was taking care of my sons) to tell her we had a girl I cried, hard. I could barely get the words out. I couldn't even sleep or close my eyes that night due to sheer happiness. I didn't want to take my eyes off her for a second. I will never forget that feeling, it was pure joy.

I still can't believe my good fortune.

Have a good Monday, Knitters.
best, susie


  1. A wish come true. Beautiful!

  2. awww, you made me get all teary! Guess the third time was a charm!

  3. I did the same thing when my second daughter was born. I never thought I would be so blessed as to have two daughters. Happy Birthday to your beautiful girl!

  4. AnonymousJuly 07, 2008

    Happy Birthday! We just had a girl and while she's our first, we totally were prepared for a boy. It was just as you described when they told us we had a girl.

    Hope you both had a great day!

  5. What a wonderful thing to share with us. Thank you!

  6. Happy Birthday to your girl. She's so pretty and looks happy to be twelve.Just one more year before that teenage stuff!

  7. AnonymousJuly 07, 2008

    Very lovely Susan, both your daughter and the memory.

  8. AnonymousJuly 07, 2008

    I felt the same way when I had my daughter 44 years ago today and she was my first baby.

  9. Pat-that is so sweet. I will be 44 this fall just like your daughter. Thanks for writing.

  10. Awwww. She looks so happy and beautiful! Thanks for sharing your happiness...

  11. You have such a beautiful family! Those memories of birth are so wonderful. We have always told our kids their birth stories on their birthdays....This 12 year old birthday shot of your sweet girl reminded me of mine and flashed me back to when she was that age. She is now 24 and will be a bride at the end of the month. I have cried already at the thought of her walking down the aisle with her Dad. My mind is full of shots such as your 12 year old birthday party! Today she is an incredible young woman, 6th grade teacher and ready to be a wife! Where did that little 12 year old go? Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy Susan!

  12. AnonymousJuly 08, 2008

    Belated Happy Birthday to your daughter!
    My "baby" turns 12 on Thursday-hard to believe-seems like yesterday she was born--they do grow up fast, don't they?


  13. Susie,
    Thank you for sharing so much with us. I always feel like I'm chatting with my next-door neighbor when I see what's happening with you and your family.
    I had three girls and was very happy when #3 was a girl. I wouldn't have known what to do with boys. I just love little boys because they are wild, manly, men.
    I have been to Madison too. I know about the UW Hoofers and the Union. I went to the Capital and the Henry Alturis (?) zoo. And how 'bout those deep fried cheese curds, eh? Great trip, somewhat toxic boyfriend.
    Back to my entrelac ...
