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Monday, July 28, 2008

A Fine Book

Hi Knitters,
Oh, what a book. A Fine Fleece, Knitting with Handspun Yarns, by Lisa Lloyd, is a book I have to share with you. I happened upon it at B&N one day and was immediately enamored. If you don't spin, which I don't, it doesn't make any difference. Lisa smartly knitted double samples for every project, one out of handspun and the other out of easily available commercial yarns. So smart. Don't let the title scare you off. The foreward in the book is written by Clara Parkes and the photography is exquisite.
What attracted me most in the book are the sweaters. These are my kind of sweaters for sure. The designs are classic, gorgeous, cable-y, tweedy, textured and comfy looking. The variety of sweaters is fantastic including drop shoulder, saddle shoulder, inset shoulder, cardigans and vests. I really could knit every sweater in here, every page being better than the last. The work is breath-taking.
I want to curl up and wear all of them. There are five chapters, how to use the book, the world of handspinning, light and shadow: studies in contrast, the forest and the trees: scale and perspective and conceptual stitches and emotive design. I counted 26 designs total and each is a winner. That is rare.
The book has a couple sock patterns and the commercial yarn used is Lorna's Laces. I have a couple of skeins of Lorna's sock yarn in green. These socks could be pretty for that yarn I am thinking.
How about a beautiful lacey scarf? These are so lovely and airy.
As are these.
There are a couple of adorable vest patterns, each of which I would love to make and wear. I have been thinking about vests a lot lately. I have never knitted a vest that I can remember. That seems strange. I think these are so cute and I love them worn with short sleeves.

Well, I would cast on a sweater or vest or two today but I already have three sweaters on the needles as I write. I need some big blocks of time to get those done first. Maybe after my book is done I can take on some larger scale projects. I am dreaming about it. Go check this book out, I highly recommend it.
My daughters did some easy mosaic pots yesterday. They filled my mosaic longing for me. We had a Klutz kit for making bottle cap designs by putting a circle of paper in the center and adding a trinket and then pouring a glaze into the cap for a clear acrylic seal. They are pretty cool and I love all of the Klutz craft kits. After they made the bottle caps we were trying to think of something to do with them. I pulled out a couple of terra cotta pots, mastic and some tiny tiles and they went to town.
Crafting of any sort reveals personality traits. I can tell in an instant who did what here. I always think that is so funny. The left pot will be planted with a cactus and the right pot is a gum holder. Imagine that.

Congratulations to brooklyn tweed for this. How exciting and well-deserved and I am totally making those. The cover is a big deal.

One more thing, my daughter, who is 9, had an exciting swim meet last weekend. She had a tooth that was very loose. During her race while she was swimming her tooth actually fell out. She had to swim four lengths of the pool. While swimming she tucked the tooth in her cheek and still had it at the end of the race. That may be a first in some book. We got a good chuckle out of that.

Okay, I'm off to work.
best, susie


  1. AnonymousJuly 28, 2008

    I wish I could knit like that !!Someday.........

  2. What a nice book! And those mosaics are darling, it is funny how kids have entirely their own little craftastic personalities! And way to go on not losing the tooth more literally!:)

  3. Your daughter sounds hilarious! I made a softie tooth with a crown today, in anticipation of my son losing his first tooth soon. I can't wait to give it to him!

    That book looks wonderful--such beautiful designs!!

    (Side note: I have all my yarn to start your tea party set; I'm making it for Addie's Christmas this year, and I can hardly wait to start!! She's going to LOVE it!)

  4. You sold me on the book. I've heard nothing but good about it so far. Love the scarves and the vest.

  5. AnonymousJuly 29, 2008

    Oh I miss doing crafts with my kids.. they're too old now! They just better give me grandkids some day..

  6. Thanks for the 'book-tour' - what beauties!

    Love the pots! and awesome on Brooklyn Tweed - that pattern is gorgeous!

  7. I think "A Fine Fleece" is one of the best knitting books to come out in a while. I want to knit nearly everything in the book and that is rare for me.

  8. Oh my gosh, that little pumpkin bag is sooooo cute! And I think my pugs might want to eat those carrots, since carrots are a favorite with them!

    You rock!
