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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

This Is Why

Hi Knitters,
This is why I love making hats and other things for babies! Yesterday I went to my daughter's music concert and who was there but baby Sophie wearing the hat I gave her last week. I put it in a flower pot for delivery. She is about the cutest thing I have ever seen.
Baby, baby.
best, susie

80th Post

Hi Knitters,
Wow, a lot has happened over the past 80 posts, life-changing events, family milestones, knitting milestones and many memorable times. It hasn't really been that long since I started this blog and it has gone so fast. I enjoy it and I am never short for content. Thanks for coming along so far.
My daughter, my youngest child, is a crafty girl. She reminds me of me! She looks like me, her interests are mine and she and I share the same ability to work on the same project hour, after hour, after hour. Lately she has gotten into finger knitting. She knows how to knit with needles, which I would prefer her to do, but this is her choice right now. The only reason I prefer the regular knitting is because I am always challenged with the mile long cords that need to be made into a project at the end.
I came up with a great idea. The cord for the nest in the photo was about 16 feet long. She knitted this entire ball of novelty yarn which I can't remember why I had. It probably came from the store closing. She works fast and furiously and doesn't even look at her hands while she works. She is my best shot at having an avid knitter in the family (my fingers are crossed). Anyway, I folded it in half and then made knots all along the strand. Do you see my plan for eating up as much length as possible? Then I made the all-time favorite coil pot and sewed it together with a needle and thread. She was just thrilled when I pulled out my felted flowers from here and fabric glued them to the rim. She is now finger knitting another cord that has reached the 20 foot mark and she is still going. More knots are in my future for certain.
These roses are part of my mother's day gift. My husband shopped at Sam's Club for me and these were the bargain of the occasion. Actually they are beautiful. Who knew Sam's for flowers? I love a practical gift and that's what I always ask for. I received an excellent set of Raechel Ray pots and skillets with orange handles. You may think this isn't exciting, but for me it is the best. I cook a lot and I love to cook big, hearty meals for my family. My pots and pans were looking worn out so this is something we all will get enjoyment from. My daughters also picked out earrings for me from Target. One daughter picked out turtle earrings, which made my ears itch something fierce, but of course I wore them anyway. The other daughter picked out flower earrings which don't seem to have the itching problem. Phew! I will have to alternate wearing the two pairs for a long time now, one day itch, next day no itch.
I can't believe how old my kids are getting, and I guess how old I am getting for that matter. They are a funny bunch of kids with big personalities. There is never a dull moment.
I hope you all had a great weekend.